Welcome to the Robords Genealogy

[ Home ] [ Descendancy ]

One reason for putting this on the web is to make it more accessible to everyone. Another reason is to make it more comprehensible to newcomers.

To get started, look at the Descendancy Chart, or search for a name using the search function.

The way it's set up, each page (besides this one) includes information on one Robords and their spouse (if any). It will also include names of and links to any children of that marriage. 



The Reunions
  • 2000
  • 1998
  • 1996
  • 1994
  • 1992



Submit Information

If you want to submit information to the Genealogy's chief researcher, please type in the following box and click the "Submit" button.



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To add your name to the Robords Genealogy Mailing list, fill out this form and click "Submit". In order to keep costs down, email is preferred.

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