David Hunt Home Page
First opened September 1999
Last updated: 31st January 2000

Summer 2002 - Practice in the Park
Students will be meeting in Stanford-le-Hope park during the summer break on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 if the grass is not wet.  Park in Billet Lane, all are welcome.
The Free Flow of Knowledge
According to Astrology we are moving from the age of Pieces into the age of Aquarius.  These pages are dedicated to this time, the free flowing of knowledge symbolised by water pouring from the vessel of the water bearer - the symbol of Aquarius.  The potential of the Internet!

Free - open; clear; candid; generous; guiltless; to liberate; to disentangle.
Flow - to issue; to abound; to circulate.
Knowledge - clear perception; learning; information.
Original paintings to look at or down load.

Institutions have taken over responsibility for our health, be it the State, Insurance or Pharmaceutical companies.  These pages are about complimentary healing and taking responsibility for our own health.

Pages about the effects of Geopathic Stress, Electrical and Magnetic fields in the home.

I once read in a book of native wisdom that the Maori people of New Zealand  do not say they get an education or get educated, education has no boundaries.  They saw that there is no end to our learning.  These pages are about the concept of learning and how it fills our whole life.

Subtle Energy
We are effected by subtle forms of energy in our modern life.  Using traditional dowsing methods it is possible to identify, control or avoid negative energy.

Tai Chi
Pages about the Yang form of Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Tai Chi Sword and Staff.

David Hunt
Information about the author.
Link's to other web sites.
These pages are under construction so please call again - contact David on autoworker2@yahoo.com