Hi, this is the preliminary



be welcome !

You might find here some documents concerning the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)  and the  World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Why this website ?

In short:
There are plans for a further broadening of the WTO mandate and this is definitely no good idea.

More than 1300 NGO (non-governmental organizations like e.g. Green Peace) have signed a petition
against such plans.
However the impact of this protest is until now very depressing.

While some organizations believe that the establishment of the WTO was a big mistake in the first
place and that it can't be improved others have the hope that the WTO can still be reformed.

How ever all groups were against the plans for the WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle at the 30th of November 1999.

In Europe the last date at which the members of parliament could influence the EU position was 11.10.99

So one of the few things left to be done for a civilized European was becoming desperate and building a web page ;-)

Now Seattle is history. How ever nothing seemed to have changed and the same plans are again on the agenda for the next  WTO Ministerial Meeting to be held in Qatar on 9-13 November 2001.

While this page my need some updating ( laste chages were made in 1999) sadly enough nearly nothing has to be changened and only additional things would have to be added.


click on the image to down load a higher resolution image


How ever I hope you’ll like it and if you want to contact me, you can use my e-mail adress below

Norbert Mai

The WTO Quiz

If you know what the 3 letters stand for, that doesn’t mean that you know something about the WTO, does it ?

So check your knowledge with our multiple choice test !

 click here for a try

A brief Who is Who

Here you can get a little idea who the big players involved in the upcomming WTO ministerial are  ?

With very nice photos !

 click here for a try

FAQs and links to answers

A lot of new therms and abreviations were formed round subjects like globalisation, WTO and IMF.
It is the idea of the liked page to help to finde ones own way to understand what stands behind this new words.
It is not intended as a lexikon or something like that, but look your self.

 click here for a try

this is just a first shy attempt so if you have suggestions for links to illustrative realted webpages let me know.
(e-mail see bottom of page)

subjects covered utill now:

  1. free logging agreement
  2. Banana case
  3. Hormon beef case
  4. Structural Adjustment Programms (SAPs)
  5. HIPC initiative
  6. TRIMS
  7. TRIPS
  8. Agreement on government procurement
after laast update: 21.7 KB

Page with links to related websites

as allways incompleat and never up to date.

If you are a freshman in the field you probably should first check out some other related websites

 click here for a try

after laast update: 16.8 KB

The Human Development Report 1999
of the

"...the Human Development Report is a crown jewel of UNDP."

"....as it has so effectively in the past, the Report champions the agenda of the world’s weak, those marginalized by globalization, and calls for a much bolder agenda of global and national reforms to achieve globalization with a human face."

in PDF files

+ the Human Development Index

 click here for a try

The dumping place
a totaly unsorted files archive

Here I ('ll) put some files which I may link later.
so there will be no gide for you,
but feel free to snoop around

click here for a try

some files:

If you want to contact me
you can use:
