Family-Friendly Site
Parents - This site is safe for children
and has a children's section each edition.




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June 1999 June 1999          July 1999July 1999          August 1999August 1999

September 1999September 1999          October 1999October 1999          November 1999November / December 1999

January 2000January 2000              August 2000August 2000

This magazine, which is published every couple of months, is an exploration of the natural world.    Most of the records and photographs are from the Cheshire, Merseyside and North Wales areas of the British Isles with occasional trips to such 'exotic' and far away places as the Western Isles or Herefordshire!   I shall also introduce you to some of the places that my family and I visit regularly.

The majority of the photographs are my own and are copyright.    You are welcome to use these and any other pictures from my site for non-commercial uses at no cost but in return I would ask that you please sign my guestbook.   If you use my pictures on your own website I should appreciate you considering it as 'linkware' and putting a text link:-

(Photo courtesy 'Insects and Friends') or the following logo, linked to   

Where I use other people's photos or artwork it will be with their permission - their site will be named and I would ask you to show them the same courtesy before downloading or using their pictures.

Following a spell of ill health and hospitalisation which stopped me issuing the magazine for a while I have changed the format.   Any comments on the site or suggested future topics on British natural history will be most welcome.

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(and clicking on my lamb will stop him getting dizzy!)

Please click on the issue number or month below for the magazine for that month:-

Issue No.1 June 1999
Subjects:- Dragonflies; Kingfishers; Common Lizards and a fast worm!
Children's Corner - Ladybirds
Four-spotted Chaser
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Issue No.2 July 1999
Subjects:- The Outer Hebrides and its wildlife, including the Common Blue butterfly, moths, dragonflies, Grey Seals and Golden Eagles
Children's Corner - Squirrels
Common Blue Butterfly
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Issue No.3 August 1999
Subjects:- Delamere in Cheshire and its wildlife; hoverflies; Mute Swans; the Antler Moth and a big-headed fly!
Children's Corner - Berries
Eristalis hoverfly
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Issue No.4 September 1999
Subjects:- Pickerings Pasture, Halton, its cornfield flowers and wildlife; spiders; digger wasps; Fly Agaric; Silver Y moth; butterflies and much more.
Children's Corner - Grasshoppers
Red Admiral
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Issue No.5 October 1999
Subjects:- Autumn leaves; acorns and galls; October insects; caddis flies; crane-flies; Emperor Moth; birdlife in Delamere; geese; and, as usual, much more.
Children's Corner - Spiders
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Issue No.6 November / December 1999
Subjects:- Autumn leaves; Cladonia lichen; greenbottles and other flies; Common Earth-balls; the Grey Shoulder-knot;
and a seasonal Children's Corner - Reindeer!
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Issue No.7 January 2000
Subjects:- Oystercatchers, Snowdrops, mosses, Trametes versicolor, Shelduck, Treecreepers and Mallards. And, for children especially, Tigers. Snowdrops
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Issue No.8 August 2000
Subjects:- Mining Bees, Harvestmen, comical Cormorants and around the Cheshire lanes. And, for children especially, the Cinnabar Moth. Cinnabar
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