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An Xentric Site

For those who wondered what had happened to this site over the past few months I apologise but my ill health won for a while - assisted by a spell in hospital!    However, I am now back.       During my absence one or two of my other sites have disappeared and there may therefore be a few broken links (especially to the site Xentric) for a few weeks.    My further apologies for this and I shall resolve it as soon as possible.

This Week's Inspirational Thought and Picture

February 13th

Posted 30th July 2000

This Week's Fun Thought

" In the fight between you and the world, back the world."
Frank Zappa

Some recommended sites

Recommended Sites

Botton Village in Yorkshire, England, is a community of people of whom many have special needs. They form a village with a population of 320, all working for each other and supporting each other. It is a wonderful place and now has a fine website. To learn more about it (and perhaps to send a small donation) please visit


There is another site that I should like you all to visit.    By visiting it and clicking on a button you can feed a starving person.   It is the Hunger Site at http://www.thehungersite.com

All you do is click a button on the front page and somewhere in the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat at no cost to you.   The food is paid for by corporate sponsors.   But you're only allowed one click per day, so why not bookmark it and visit it once a day.   A few seconds of your time to feed a starving person - that has to be worthwhile.    It will also help if you can spread the word to others.   A related site is designed to help save the rainforest and can be accessed from the Hunger Site page.

One way you could pass the word on is to copy the above and paste it into an e-mail to your friends.   Alternatively, you could click here and recommend this site to them.  

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May your life be like toilet paper - long and useful.

The URL of this site is http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/wetlands/2766

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