Life According to Fred, past, present and future!

This is an index and introductory page for this website. I made it simple and easy to use. If you click any blue or red word button on this page after finishing there come back to this index page if you wish to visit other web pages here at this site. If you want to visit my blog go to google and type in intuitivefred888 to find my blog. I write articles here almost every day because it is easier for readers to visit there.

"Saint Germain" If you are interested in knowing more about Saint Germain click the Saint Germain colorized text"
"The Galactic Sentience" If you have read "Memories" then you already know who the Galactic Sentience is.

Dedication: In Fall 1998 I lay in the recovery room for heart patients at Stanford Medical in Northern California. As I lay there on a guerney with about 60 other patients waiting to be operated on for anything from an angiogram to open heart surgery I realized that my fears of publicly sharing my amazing experiences in this lifetime were unfounded. I realized that the real tragedy would be if I died without sharing my amazing life with God and all my research into the meaning of life with others before I died. I resolved to start a website so others could read and printout or save what I have experienced and learned. In this way others lives could be made better, less fearful and more blessed and full of grace and amazing as mine has always been. At the time both doctors and I thought I might die. However, 7 months later I had fully recovered from my heart virus but here in March 2008 I'm still fulfilling my promise to God as this is his wish that I continue publishing through this website as well as my blog at intuitivefred888 at blogspot.com.

This is my main index page. All buttons to all my web pages are here.

For those of you who have visited here before as of today June 23rd 2003 my original index page is now at journal.html at this site.I use the journal page to write short ideas and articles that are important to me and that I hope will be important and useful to you.I have added another journal page because the first one covers journal entries from around 2000 to May 17th 2007. for new journal entries as of today go to journal 2.To go to the first journal now click the blue or colorized "Journal."Journal"

To go to the second journal which begins 5-17-07 and goes on into the future please click journal 2. "Journal2"

Scroll down to the most recent dates to today. All my journal articles tend to be newest on top and as you scroll down further the articles go back through the years. This way all the addresses will be on this page.

Also, here at my index page is my online book 'Memories' starting at mem.html and then mem2.html through mem11.html I have published my online book which is free for you to read. If you like ufo and ESP experiences recounted including time travel that actually might be true in a book written by a lifelong Precognitive psychic who has studied with Christian mystic teachers, Tibetan Lamas in the U.S and India and Nepal and Native American Medicine men in Northern California and Oregon then you might enjoy this. If you just like Science fiction and fantasy I think you might enjoy my book as well. It's free to read or even print out a copy anywhere in the world and in any time or space.

Check out my new buttons so anyone can now view my book "Memories" easily. Starting with "Memories" part 1, part 2 etc.

"Memories" Part 1 and "Memories"Part 2 and "Memories" Part 3 and "Memories" Part 4 and "Memories" Part 5 and
"Memories" Part 6 and "Memories" Part 7 and "Memories" Part 8 and "Memories" Part 9 and "Memories" Part 10 and "Memories" Part 11

Within this Website rest the truths I have experienced these last 55 years and beyond. I have fictionalized the truth only as much as was minimally needed to protect both myself, the reader and all beings who need protection. So, bask in the truths I have discovered in this lifetime and others if you will. Whether you choose to read or not, Blessings be upon you as you travel the Universe, Time without Beginning, Time without End! After you read 'Memories' you might want to also read my beginning sequels that continue to be written as I am inspired. They are:
The History of His Oneness at one.html I'm adding this week more at His Oneness' site titled "How His Oneness Manifested" as of Saturday October 8th 2005
"The History of His Oneness"
The History of Arcane at memb1.html and memb2.html
"The History of Arcane" Part 1 and"The History of Arcane" Part 2

The History of Eridian at iam1.html
"The History of Eridian"
Jonathan becomes Eridian(Meridian)March 2007 and April 2008(last two paragraphs)

The History of Celeste Weaver at celestial.html "The History of Celeste Weaver"

The History of Jonathan Flow at jon1.html
"The History of Jonathan Flow"
and The History of Flame at flame.html
" The History of Flame"
and The History of Ragna at ragna.html
"The History of Ragna"
and And a new book I'm just starting called tentatively
The Protectors at protectors.html more added on to protectors 10-11-05"The Protectors"

The History of the first US Built Time Machine I call Uncle Tommy Travels Time."Uncle Tommy Travels Time"

The story of Arcane's work in present day Switzerland with UN time cadre members through eyes of a new inductee sometime in the last 30 years."Arcane in UNUS"

Other webpages that are more poems and spontaneous journaling at at: earth.html

Earth also contains my journal from Thailand, Nepal and India from December 1985 to Late March 1986.The 5 of us travelled for 4 months together. Great Experience!
"Science Fiction"
"Fred's Poems"

"Galactic Ecology"



The following link contains the stories my father told me of his youth that took place in Washington, Oregon, Arizona and Texas dad.html

"Dad's stories"

"Essays on my life history"

"Lyrics, music and ideas starting in 1969"

I am a lifelong precognitive psychic. I didn't set out to be this. I was just naturally born with psychic abilities just like many of my relatives on both sides of my family. I believe that I am spiritually guided to write about my most relevant past lives as well as the relevant past lives of close friends and relatives. Whether you believe these online books to be legends based on truth on not it is perfectly fine with me either way. Mostly, I just want to entertain you with interesting ideas and concepts. I write from both an unearthly point of view and an earthly one combined. I do this to try to introduce the reader to Galactic Humanoid Governmental and spiritual ways of acting, thinking and feeling. When I soul traveled to the Galactic Center in 1970 I met with the Galactic Sentience and other Galactic leaders. I soul traveled there thinking I would meet God to obtain help for earth to keep it from nuking itself out of existence. Though I didn't find God in the Center of the Galaxy I did find help for Earth. I was promised that earth would be prevented from nuking itself out of existence. In part, what I am writing about is how this has been, is being, and will be done. In return for saving earth from extinction the Galactic Sentience asked that he always be able to see through my eyes to experience what I experience on earth. At the time this seemed like a good bargain for earth. It gave me great peace to know that earth would be saved from extinction unlike Maldek, the planet that turned into our present asteroid belt through a nuclear war. We are all part Maldekian human here as humans on earth. Many of the souls who caused the extinction of the planet Maldek are reincarnated today in the Middle East on both sides. Blessings to the reader.

Welcome to Fred's Website

Note to visitors of this website:As of February 2005 I noticed that geocities no longer permits printing of information on free sites like this beyond one typewritten page. So those of you who want to save and or print a copy of any of my works I have found a way if you are using Microsoft internet explorer and have on board your computer either Word or Wordpad. If you look up into the upper left hand corner of your internet explorer page it says "edit". If you click on edit you can see the word "Copy" that is not yet black. Now move your cursor to the parts of my writings that you want to copy to word or wordpad on your computer. Now put the cursor on the top left letter you want to copy and while holding the left click button down on your mouse scroll downward. This puts everything in blue. Once you have made everything blue let go of the left click button on your mouse. Now move your mouse cursor up to edit once more. Click on "edit" and the "Copy" button should now be in black. Click "Copy" and your computer will store everything you put in blue until you bring up your word or wordpad file. Put your Cursor on the top left of the word or wordpad file while open. Then go again up to edit and click on "Paste" and it should paste my writings directly into your word or wordpad file. Then you can save that word or wordpad file and or print it all out as you wish. Since my primary goal is for readers to have their own copies of my writings I am in the process of creating a mirror site for my book and sequels and other miscellaneous stuff. I now have at my mirror site all of the online book "Memories" on 3 web pages from this site they can be either saved or printed out easily. They are at the following address. Though I can't seem to make a button for it to work here is the correct address. The www. address didn't work it has to be http:// instead. Thank You
"http://home.comcast.net/~dragonofcompassion/" This new comcast site is under construction. I hope you like this new introductory page. If you have been here before and like the old first page it is now at journal.html. Thanks and Have a Great Day!