Our Memories Of Love Will Be Of You

Above illustration and book cover design by Debbie Ohlman

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On October 12, 1997 John Denver flew his final flight. It is a day those of us who loved him will never forget ... a day that changed our lives forever. The memory of his life, music and spirit will live on in our hearts -- always.

I have been putting together a scrapbook of countless memories of John Denver, during the past three years since his tragic plane crash. It is a collection of stories, memories, photographs, and poetry shared by John's devoted fans, close friends, and members of his family.

Over 100 submissions have been received from all over the United States and various parts of the world. In some of the stories, you will find joy and laughter -- others may bring you to tears -- but you will surely be moved as you journey through the memories.

In addition to these memoirs is a section devoted to understanding more about John's passion for flying -- what it is that draws a pilot to the sky. Submissions from and interviews with various pilots make up this chapter, including Voyager pilots Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. I felt it important to regard flying not only as how John died, but also how he lived. Not just as something he loved to do, but as an important part of who he was.

It is my hope that this book will not only pay tribute to the life of this very special man, but also that the sharing of these thoughts and memories will bring healing to hearts which still ache from this tragic loss. These memories will keep him alive in our hearts forever.



When I began this project on November 4, 1997, I imagined the book being published and on the shelves by the first anniversary of John's death, in October of 1998. It is good that I was not aware, then, of just how much time and hard work is involved in such an undertaking, or I might never have begun. Not because it wouldn't have been worth it, but because I wouldn't have felt up to the challenge. I'd like to express my gratitude to all who have put their time and hearts and souls into being a part of this book. When John was alive, I was always trying to find a way to say "thank you" to him for his music and all that it had meant to me for so many years. In 1996, I wrote him a long letter trying to put into words just what I felt along those lines, and planned to give it to him after a concert in March of that year. When the chance came, I didn't give him the note. I thought it would be imposing to ask him to read such a long letter, as I knew he was very busy. But it was also because I didn't feel that I had adequately expressed what I really wanted him to know. Later in the same year, I wrote him a little poem and sent it to him at the theater where he was to perform. It was called Thank You For The Music. Very short, but I hoped he would understand what I was trying to convey to him. Still, I knew it wasn't enough. It frustrated me to no end that I didn't know how to thank him.

Now, because of this book that I have been so grateful to get to be a part of, I feel I have found the way to say "thank you" to John. My words were not enough. But I have been able to gather the words, the sentiments, the joys and tears of so many people who loved John and put them into a book, which I think of as a great big thank you letter to John. I only wish I could hand deliver this to him myself and that he was alive to read it. But I believe he can feel and know of all the love which is sent his way through all of the writings which fill the pages of this special book.


During the past few months, I have been in communication with possible publishers for this book, but until I can make the commitment, there are several legal details to be taken care of. All who have submitted something for the book will need to sign a release form giving me legal permission to use their submission in the book. I've sent some of these releases out, but have many more yet to be sent. Some have even sent back their signed releases and I thank you for those. Besides these releases, I will need to secure permission from John Denver's music publisher and there is much to do in preparation for that. So we're getting closer, but still have a little ways to go. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

When this book becomes available, information on how to obtain a copy will appear on this webpage. Contributions in John's memory will be made to The Hunger Project, Windstar, and Plant-It 2000 from the book's profits. That is subject to change, but be assured, the profits will all go to organizations which John Denver either founded or supported --- or both. I believe this is what he would want.

Click on the "Book Outline" link below to view a more complete description of the book's contents.

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This site last updated on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 11:11 PM CST.

Friend, we will remember you ...

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