Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.
Albert Einstein

Welcome to my Dream World. Come and sit beside me on my blanket. Wiggle your bare toes in the sand, as we gaze out over the water. Can you see the sunlight dancing across the top of it? It looks like millions of tiny diamonds have been sprinkled there. See how the waves sparkle as they crash to the shore?
Now slowly take in a deep breath. Smell the fresh ocean air, feel the gentle breezes blowing thru your hair and whispering softly against your cheeks. If you listen very closely, you can hear the waves crashing against the rocks and the gulls singing their mournful tune as they fly overhead.
When the pressures of life get me down, this is the world I escape to. There is just something so soothing and relaxing about the water. I especially love the ocean and most activities connected with it. Welllllllll...maybe not fishing. I prefer to watch the creatures swimming and frolicking in the water, rather than catching them or worse yet...eating them...major YUCK! The only problem with my love of the ocean is that I live in Ohio, and they don't exist here. We have lakes though, so I make do.
My love for the beach started when I was very young and used to spend summers with my grandmother in Florida. Those were the best of times! Spending time with my favorite person in all the world and being near the water. I remember telling my Nana that when I grew up I was going to live in a cottage right beside the ocean. That way I could see the water anytime I looked out my window. My pets would be the dolphins and the seagulls and I would make a living by selling seashells to the tourist. That never happened of course, but who knows.... maybe someday. Perhaps when I join the "blue-haired" crowd, I'll retire and realize my dream of living near the ocean. Until that time though, I have this world....my Dream World..... where the sun is always shining, the beach a stone's throw away and everything is peaceful and calm.
ALL ABOUT ME ... Everything you wanted to know about me, and some things you probably didn't!

Cassidee's Cove was first created in February of 1998.
