Native American Issues & Ideas

I'm Red Bird
As our world changes and progresses, we all have to adapt accordingly, too. What we must remember, though, is not to let the desire for change override our resources. What we have, IS what we have. When it's gone, it's gone! Like the many animals, plants, and other things now extinct, many more on well on their way to getting there. Our environment is being manipulated beyond it's capabilities. The results are being seen and felt as earthquakes and weather conditions that aren't normal in many parts of the USA and the world as a whole. Nuclear waste is produced in the wake of supplying energy to the people. Where does the waste get dumped? One suggestion was to use a Native American Reservation to dump it on. How about the ocean? That's being used as a dumping ground for a lot of garbage. After all, we only have so much space and dirt to bury it in the ground, right? OK, then what? I leave these questions for you to answer.
We have long taken from Mother Earth, but percentage wise, how much have we given BACK to her? Maybe people need to take a better look at what she needs, and start giving TO her, instead of always doing the taking.
Below are some links to other link sites on Native Americans and issues. My tour up above covers such areas as endangered species and such.
My interests are:
Powwows, fishing, hunting, photography, videography, animals.
My page is designed to cover:
Native American environment & conservation issues
and just
good cultural Native talk.
Links to other sites on the Web
Issues of animals and man
Conservation--in touch with nature
Native issues ranging from spirituality to land issues
Abenaki Links Page w/good links for all tribes
Great site for more Native American info
Good links & live chat
EXCELLENT source for graphics, icons, gifs, jpegs, and more!
Little Red Hair's Native American Home Page w/Excellent links!
Wonderful site by Lisa w/many links for alcohol and drug recovery resources
"Native and Horse--copyright by chiinkwia"
Thank you for checking out my page.
I also wish to give my gratitude to all who make the graphics available free of charge. With out them, our web sites would be pretty dull.
Please check back periodically for updates.
To email me, just click on the mailbox below.

@ 1997

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This web site copyright@ February 1998
If you see an image you like, please feel free to use it EXCEPT for the pic of myself on my "Insights" page.

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