Hello everyone! How was everyone's holiday? Well, it's my LAST quarter in pharmacy school and I'm so excited about finishing up! Residency interviews took a lot of effort and energy, but I'm happy to say that I'm done with that phase of the process. Now, it's just having to rank all the programs!
      For those of you that do not know me, I'll be graduating from U.C. San Francisco, School of Pharmacy
on May 7th at Nob Hill Masonic Center with Doctorate of Pharmacy degree(yee-ha!). Hopefully right after the end of rotations, a bunch of us pharmacy girls can take a trip to Boston. And depending on funds available (quite limited at this time), Shang-Hun and I may take a trip somewhere. Please drop me a line or send me an email to let me know how you're doing. Catch you all later!

This is Bear Territory!

Last updated 2/15/05

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