Welcome to my new home page, E.V. Net 1999. After having this page for about two years now, I've decided to turn it into a more personalized home page. It also has a buisness aspect to it as well.
This web page is dedicated to all my reports that I've written during the last two years. The Animal Link covers all reports on animals that I've worked on. The Enrivonmental Link has information on the subjects of countries, Human Health, and the Deforestation of the Brazilian Rain Forest. One reason that i've chosen to place my reports on the internet is due to the lack of information on these various topics. I hope that if you reac hthis page that it proves to be well worth the discovery.
Most of the information on this page was donated by Lucas Soiu. If you are looking for information on a general topic such as Biology or history. E-mail me using the contact link at the top of this page. I all I ask for in return is a copy of the information that you've gathered to place on this web page.
As soon as I have more time I'll get rid of the sorry.html files and replace it with valuable information.
8-15-00. In the works, I have three stories that I may post on this site. The First one is a childrens story that was created in a children's Lit class and then entered in a writing contest. the other two are based upon a Japanese Anime style of writing.
NEW I've recently come across some major Animation Software. In the works is a small Logo Movie that will be the introduction when this page moves to http://www.geocities.com/ev_net/. Thanks.