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My World

As you can guess, my name is Dave. I am 44, divorced, and living in Connecticut. Other personal information, and a picture of yours truly, can be found in my "Personal Info" page.

I am a PADI certified diver and have had the wonderful experience of diving with the dolphins in Freeport/Lucaya, Grand Bahama Island. For other hobbies, I have been into beer making, play racquetball, bowl, bike, and love music, having almost 400 CDs of various music, from classical to techno. I also love amusement parks, especially the roller coasters and other "thrill" rides. "My Likes" has links to various sites related to some of my more pleasurable hobbies.

With the increasing popularity of mp3 files, I now am an OP in several IRC mp3 channels. Come visit me in #House-mp3z, #mp3z-clubbin , or my channel, #the-mp3-dive. These channels offer thousands of songs in mp3 format and although focusing mainly on techno, rave, house, trance, and freestyle music, other categories of music are often available. The #house-mp3z web site has a page with the song lists of the channel OPs and regular visitors, and a mp3 search page with 6 search engines. So check it out.

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copyright 1997 © Dave Fitts • Oakdale, CT. Write me at divelucaya@snet.net to make suggestions or comments.
Last changes to this page: June 30, 1999 14:15