The Bird Box Cameras


1998 ARCHIVE 1a
1998 ARCHIVE 1b

1998 ARCHIVE 2




Hello, we are Dave, Gill, Becky and Jenny Staughton. Welcome to our pages about our bird nesting boxes. We hope you will find them interesting and enjoy your visit.

In our garden in West Sussex, England, UK we have several bird nesting boxes and two of these have been fitted with small video cameras. During 1998 and 1999 we captured snapshots from the video pictures so you could follow the progress of the birds.

If you followed the events as they happened then thank you and we hope you enjoyed what you saw.

BOX 1 is used by the House Sparrow and BOX 2 is used by the Blue Tit or the Great Tit.

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To learn about the general location of our garden have a look at the HABITAT page.

To see a list and some photographs of the birds that visit our garden have a look at the SPECIES page.

If you are interested in the details of the cameras have a look at the TECHNICAL page.


If you have any comments about these pages please feel free to contact us at

First released on 28 March 1998 and updated on 23 March 2001