TurtleGuy with adult male Dipsochelys dussumieri

Salvatore Santelli

Proud Father

Registered Sleep Disorders Technologist

Lifetime Herpetoculturalist

Trustee, World Chelonian Trust

Welcome! My name is Sal, and I live in south-central Pennsylvania along with my lovely wife Maria and my two, wonderful sons, Antonio and "Little Sal." I'm known to most of my peers as "TurtleGuy." The reason for this is that I have a passion for reptiles and amphibians with an emphasis on turtles and tortoises. My life story, in a nutshell, can be can be viewed at your convenience by checking out my mini-autobiography which I try to update routinely.

My purpose in the creation of this homepage, aside from publicizing my somewhat modest autobiography, is to provide fellow turtle-keepers, both amateur and expert alike, with information and links on the natural history and husbandry of the many species that interest me. These include Mediterranean tortoises, the turtles which make up the traditional genus Clemmys, and diamondback terrapins to name a few. I have also provided links to other enlightening sites with information on these and most all other commonly kept species.

Landscapes of Pennsylvania

Both Pennsylvania's size and geography allow it to harbor all three species that comprise the traditional genus Clemmys. Although my interest in this genus was sparked by a chance encounter back in New York, I have only really been able to locate and study wild populations of traditional Clemmys on a regular basis after my move to Pennsylvania. Based on field observations within a 25 mile radius of my home in the south-central portion of the state, the Wood Turtle (now Glyptemys insculpta), Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata), and the federally protected and endangered Bog Turtle (now Glyptemys muhlenbergii) can all be found here. It is evident, however, that even viable populations continue to become fragmented as development encroaches their crucial habitat.


Glyptemys insculpta Clemmys guttata Glyptemys muhlenbergii


Testudo hermanni boettgeri
Concentric Northern Diamondback


Graphics Courtesy of Tilford Bartman
Road Sign at Long Point, Ontario

Please be sure to stop for any turtle species attempting to cross a road. Rather than place it back on the side of the road it started on, try your best to get it to the side it was heading for. If you don't, chances are it will try again when you leave it. Don't ever remove a turtle from its home range. Moving it to an area you may think is fitting, may well be dooming it to an early death.

Click here to E-mail me!

If you share my passion for turtles and tortoises and would like to contact me, send me an email.

This site, owned by Salvatore Santelli, is proud to be a part of the Turtle and Tortoise Webring

This is owned by Jamina Oomen

Click here to join the turtle and tortoise webring, dedicated to the quality care and conservation of turtles, tortoises, and sea turtles.
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