The Herb Society of America Southern California Unit is no longer on the Web. If you'd like more information, please write the Herb Society of America, 9019 Kirtland Chardon Rd, Kirtland, OH 44094 or click here.

Herb Links Seed Sources General Gardening Links Southern California Gardening Links

Herb Links

Herb Net - a terrific resource for herbal information

Michael Moore's Homepage - searchable reprint of Grieve's Herbal

Algy's Herb Page

British Herb Society

Herbal Hall

Whole Herb

Southern California Gardening Links

Descanso Gardens

Huntington Gardens

Digitalseed - a good resource for San Diego area gardeners

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens - good resource for native plants

Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens

General Gardening Links

Organic Gardening magazine - a great all-around Earth friendly magazine

Old Farmer's Almanac

California Garden Clubs

Museum of Garden History - an interesting British site

Garden Web

Garden Net

The Butterfly Web Site - a good source for information on butterflies and how to attract them

Seed Sources

Richter's - a great source for herb seeds and plants

Johnny's Select Seeds

Shepherd's Seeds

Pinetree Garden Seeds