Link to me wit dis piece o crap
3rd '2002
Updates January 3rd - Sorry about the screwing
up of my page, I'm still trying to fix it.
Updates January 1st - New 2002 sections
in art! New comics are in process!
Updates December 26th - Added
some stuff on quova 2001 page
Updates December 2nd - More
images in the Quova 2001 page; errors fixed
Updates November 7th - I
fixed some of the links n stuff and added more images to the Quova 2001
Updates November 6th- So
I havent updated in a while. Sue me. I updated the CG art, and 2001 Quova
Art and of course, I renovated. Now I have a funky lil lovebird layout
Updates August 30th -
Wonderful, schools right around the corner. Anyway I fixed teh links in
my comic page and added 2 more pages.
Updates August 17th -
I gots more images YOU HAPPY (hey at least i dont like baby blue soundcrew
or that perverted O-town) hey what am i trying to prove again? oh yea theres
more in the fanart section
Updates August 8th - I
added another page to my comic
August 6th - HERES
WHAT HAS HAPPENED- My DAD won a motherboard. OH- but we had to get a CHIIIP
for the free motherboard, then since my SCANNER wouldnt hook up to the
FREE MOTHERBOARD we had to get a new scanner and a new TOWER and a new
this and new that... then when we got it back I installed ATI and that
just about destroyed the computer because it was STUCK in 16 of the ugliest
colours, including that nasty pink/purple...
so my computer was then again taken
away and since windows is SO GAY we got a BURNER to back up our stuff and
blablabla bla BLA I think Im back for good and I've posted my COMICS which
Ive been planning to do for a billion years but my scanner decided it wanted
to be a suppository so i couldnt do it before but its alll good now and
ive added more pictures and Ill be having another brand new section in
a day or two for my new series which i have to think up a title for and
write the summary anyway yaddayaddayadda all i live off of is KD
Updates July 8th - I
havn't updated in a long while because my scanner is broken. It will be
fixed this week when I get back from D-chan's cottage and I'll be updating
like a madman from there. I have my comics I'll be scanning and I'll post
them, but for now I did a pittily few CG art
Updates June 5th - CG
art and completely reconstructed image gallery, all broken links fixed
Updates April 9 - CG
Updates March 18 - CG
art and Image page 4
Updates March 12 -
CG Art and Image page 4 links fixed
Updates March 4 -Image
page 4, CG art, Quova Chronicles
Updates February 26 - More
CG stuff added, and 1 new in fanart section
Updates February 21 -A
bunch on the CG section and 1 new in image page 4
Updates January 27 -
I did some major renovations, i did temporary renovation on the image gallery,
but soon it will be replaced with a redone one. I added 'CG Art' section,
which displays my artwork done completely on the computer.
Updates January 5: Image
page 4 yes once again do you see a pattern here (2) planning major
renovations Updates January 2: Image
page 4 of course
Updates November 26: Image
page 4 of course
Updates November 18:Image
page 4, character page
Updates November 5:Image
page 4 updated and I've finally got on my can to write more Spider Dan
Updates October 19: page
Updates October 16: images
posted in image page 4 and a (new) CLAYTON ADVENTURE #2
Click to see the Clayton
Adventure 1
Updates October 15: images
posted on Image Page 4, 6, fanart page, and Quova page
Updates October 10: images
posted on Image Page 2 & 4
Updates September 5: Two
new images posted on Image Page 4
Updates September 1:
Two new images in image page 4, broken thumbnails fixed in fanart/fanfic
section. Storyline in Yari section taken down for rewriting.
Updates August 30:Quova
page updated
Updates August 17: Errors
and broken links fixed
Updates August 15:
Image page 4 updated
Updates August 12:
Spider Dan chapter 8 posted
Updates August 11:
Image page 4 updated
Updates August 4:
Image page 2 updated, Spider Dan chapters 6 and 7 posted
Updates August 3:
Fanfiction added
Updates August 1:
Image page 4 updated
Updates July 29:
Thumbnails in fanart and DSA section. New image in DSA section
Updates July 24:
I got my scanner working, and I've done more images in Image page 4, Image
page 2
and my Quova page.
Updates July 8:
Well I'm back from moving and everything, thats why I havn't updated my
page in a while. It took so long cuz we had to order the new phoneline
for the internet and all that crap...
Anyway I'll be working hard on
DSA now that I'm back to work. I've updated Image page 4 and thats about
it... scanner doesn't work I don't know whats wrong with the stupid peice
of crap I aughta smack it up maybe show him who's boss, yeah let him chew
on that for a while... I can't even find the manual for this scanner so
I aughta just smack it in the face and see if it'll work then.
Updates June 3:
Image page 4 updated
Updates May 28:New
Quova picture (image page 4) update on Quova page, and several errors
Updates May 24: new
picture of Shujinko on image page 3 & 4, updated my Quova page
And a bunch of new crud in the
fanart section
Updates May 21: I
gots a hit counter now! Oh happy day
Updates May 20: Still
working on them thumbnails, but basically i just updated my site so I could
show off this lil' gif animation of Clayton doing his thang' click here
to see it
"KAMISHIBAI" (ka-mi-shi-bai)
This site started out as a kamishibai site,
for those of you who don't know, kamishibai is a program that allows
you to make a comic-book/slideshow. My stories are put in episodes that
are downloadable, Otakuworld, the creators of kamishibai are located at
(their site has all the kamishibai stories for download) Its been
a long time since i've made a kamishibai story anyway, but recently when
i found out it was going to shut down I got upset, but they're staying
up and are now charging visitors. I've strayed from the kamishibai forum
a year ago, so i havn't been in contact with the other authors for a long
time. This site a long while ago already took a turn for just displaying
my artwork, so the page will not shut down just because I stopped making
kamis. 'Kamishibai' is a japanese word for an old story telling board with
different pictures and stories. [almost like string puppets in a miniature
theatre, but more like an isle.] My page displays my artwork and my stories,
so it's in relation. This site has been moved, and renovated several times
since 1998 and I still update at least 3 times a month, and WAY more in
the summer.