The Totally Official 'Pistil Whippers' Budwood Wish List and Pollen Swap!

Are you desperately seeking cuttings and budwood of a crucial potential parent rose for your hybridizing work or garden collection but can't find it? Do you long wistfully for pollens of roses that won't thrive in your climate? Do you lovingly lust for a lascivious list of pollen parents but are restrained by a limited budget and/or small growing area? WELCOME to this bizarre bazaar for rose collectors and rose boinkers everywhere; it can aid our efforts to protect rare roses by increasing their numbers, and to hybridize new roses for the coming century by facilitating the exchange of parent and breeding stock all across the globe. To post your Wish List, just send your name, your E-mail address, and the names of the roses whose pollen or budwood you desire to:

John Starnes -

So let's tickle each other's pistils and get our stamens flamin' and together create some lean, mean hybrid achenes by sharing and trading TODAY!

Pistil Whippers' Budwood Wish List
The Roses of Fairmount Cemetary
The Roses in My Garden
Descriptions and images of Brownell Roses from a Brownell Catalog
Peter Beales autographing his new book for me at his gorgeous nursery in England!

John Starnes -

This Antique Rose ring site is owned by
John Starnes.

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