The Cactus & Succulent Society of Hawaii

Cactus, Succulents and Friendship in Honolulu

The Cactus and Succulent Society of Hawaii (CSSH) is an independent affiliate group associated with the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Like the national organization the CSSH is dedicated to education, environmental protection, and preservation of these fascinating and unique plants, many of which are threatened and endangered.

Queen of the Night --an annual manifestation on a devil's strip.

On Tuesday, May 18th, 2004, CSSH meetings moved back to a renovated Susannah Wesley Community Center at 1117 Kaili St., just below the H-1 Hwy. in lower Kalihi. The easiest way to find it is to make a right turn off North King St., pass the front of Queen's Super Market and continue up to the end of Kaili St.. Susannah Wesley's parking lot will be to your right, at the corner of Kaili St. and Beckley St..Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday night of months January through November. Plant sales by members begin at 7:00PM. The program for the evening starts at 7:30PM . Refreshments include tasty surprises, and something new and different is usually seen among the door prizes. Come and gain insight into the care and benign neglect of these diverse and drought-tolerant plants. Meet new friends.

Continue to check this website for updates. We hope you can join us. Guests are always welcome.

2007 Membership dues:
Individual---$20 Family-- $30

Contact the Cactus & Succulent Society of Hawaii through Nathan Wong for membership, comments and questions.

C.S.S.H. programs in 2008 :

DateTopic SpeakersPlant of the Month
January 2009TillandsiasRalph NakamaTillandsias
February 2009Dried flowers by
Mr. Edwin CheungFlowering cacti and
March 2009Further clues on
growing antplants
from seed
Maureen Fitch, Angel
Ramos, and Rene Kurasaki
Hydnophytum and
Myrmecodia show,
10 pot prizes
10 categories:
Most beautiful hydnophytum
Most beautiful myrmecodia
Largest hydnophytum
Largest myrmecodia
Smallest flowering myrmecodia
Smallest flowering hydnophytum
Antplant with the most seeds
Best antplant seedling display
Best antplant collection
April 2009Loot from the
convention; past
convention plants
ConventioneersConvention plants
May 2009Grafting adeniumsPatty Tomasa and
Glenn Saito
Grafted adenium show,
10 pot prizes
June 2009Succulent bulbsNathan Wong and
Maureen Fitch
Succulent bulbs
July 2009SansevieriaAngel RamosSansevierias
August 2009DorsteniaElsie Nakasone and
Earl Young
Dorstenia show, 10 pot prizes
September 2009Pollinating adeniums Patty Tomasa and
Larry Yoshida
New adeniums--no grafts
October 2009Airlayering and
rooting cuttings of
Maureen Fitch and
Elsie Nakasone
November 2009Christmas tillandsia
Jonathan Kajiwara and
Neal Takabayashi

See a photo album of the See the June 8, 2002 CSSH Show & Plant Sale at Ward Warehouse and


to Identify a Mystery Plant in Koko Crater Botanical Garden on another CSSH member webpage, Succulent Culture in Hawaii

A Secret Garden

*** A Picture Album ***
Private gardens, big and small, provide respite from the cares of the outside world. Hodge-podge or formally arranged, a well-kept collection is a joy. When a plant grows and thrives under your care, your level of self-confidence grows. Optimism for daily life perks up. Things are looking good. Great therapy! When your pot floweth over, spread the cheer around. Trim your plants and root the cuttings for others to enjoy. In the spirit of good fellowship, someone will periodically open their sanctuary to visitors. Sometimes there is a yard sale. Free or very inexpensive cuttings, new plants and new perspectives are enjoyed. Here is a chance to look into one of our local gardens.

Photo Gallery

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to Enlarge

Current CSSH Adenium T-Shirts
$15 each
Call Nathan: 522-7063

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to Enlarge

2 designs Club's name
on left breast of shirt
Black Buff

Pictures Contributed by Our Members

This selection of images will eventually be changed from time to time.

Photo Gallery

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to Enlarge

Koko Crater
Aloes + August !
Park,Gardens,Cactus !
1999 CSSH Show

Many Thanks To All Picture Providers !!


The Gardening DirectoryGardening advice and resources at your fingertips
Succulent Culture in HawaiiHoyas; Euphorbias; the June 8, 2002 CSSH Show & Plant Sale at Ward Warehouse
Sansevieria and Adenium in HawaiiExcellent adenium culture information and pictures.
The Honolulu Orchid SocietySome orchids have succulent parts and properties.
The Pacific Orchid Society
The Kunia Orchid Society
Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society
Cascade Cactus and Succulent Society
Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society
AIAS - Italy ! in Italian, Spanish or English Dozens of excellent pictures
Moringa The genus ! Familiar to Hawaii residents as "kalamungay" or "marungay". Ono-licious in chicken soup!!!
Echinocereus Onlinein German and English - Pictures and Technical data
Desert Plant Society of Vancouver The Ruth Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek, California
Central Kansas Cactus & Succulent Study GroupA new and growing site

Links to Link or Picture Gallery Sites :

Cactus and Succulent Resource Pagetremendous link page
Zilker Botanical Gardenlinks and pictures
The Succulent Plant Page more links and pictures
Vascular Plant Image Gallery many fine pictures from Texas A. and M.
Brazilian Cephalic Cacti by - James Pickering of Tucson, Arizona .
Highline Botanical GardenOverwhelming link page !
Huntington Botanical GardensMany Gardens , Many Links
Cacti and Computer by Achim Hecktheuer Mesembs -technical with pictures,interesting links
Cactus & Succulent Society of Massachusettsnew site with good links
Don's Private UniverseDon shares his fascinating interests, which include Cactaceae,Aizoaceae,Asclepiadaceae and Portulacaceae

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© 1997

Website Established November, 1997

Last updated on February 17, 2009

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