Against Animal Violence Logo (14665 bytes) Against Animal Violence Logo(2642 bytes)


Logo (27812 bytes)

Press Here (26056 bytes)

I would like to invite all the web site owners who care about the animals to help in this initiative.

All you have to do is to insert a small logo in your site where it can be seen by all your visitors.  The visitors will be more pleased to see that you are a member of such an important Ring and this will even more create more public awareness.

The ideal place for the logo would be like in this site, that is in the top right corner of the page altough the place for it can be varied according to the individual site.

If you would like to become a member of this ring, all you have to do is click the 'click  here' below and follow the instructions to fill the form.  The rest is quite easy and is explained in the next page.



Then you have to insert the HTML fragment in your page from:



Visitor Number  since 10/10/97.

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This Rainbow Keeper site is owned by Neville Micallef.

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Site is designed and maintained by Neville Micallef.