I was born in New York, on June 3 , 1977
Hi I'm Mikplant.
My real name is Michael Barend Bromet
I have brown hair and eyes, I'm 5'9", I play baseball, I play pitcher and outfielder. I love the outdoors,sports(all kinds), hanging out, camping,and having fun...
My favorite color is Green , I love all music,depending on mood... I love to make people laugh, and I love to make them smile :-)I love frogs, I collect them from where ever I go or visit, only fake ones.
I love making friends... and hate creating enemies :-(
I love honesty and communication, and I have ears and a brain, God gave them to me to use them , and I share what I can, Love is one thing I don't know alot about, but when you find it Make sure
you treat them the way you want yourself to be treated, don't put them aside and expect them to understand what your feeling, talk and LISTEN, and love is and will always be there...remember God gave you everything you have and your the one who uses those gifts to the best of your abilities, love you all.....
this is a little about me, I hope you liked it, and please feel free to write me....and KIT
See my bike and accessories at
My baby picture from the fall of 1978
Miami Herald, Broward Edition December 3,2000
This is my new truck Its a 1998 Ford Explorer !!!
Me at Blockbuster hitting em out 7/03/1999
Me on June 4th,2001 celebrating, when I heard my sister's water had broke, and I became an uncle that night, one day after my b-day.
Me and my aunt at St. Augustine, Florida November 2000
Me as a groomsman at my friends wedding on June 11th 2005...
This is my dog Jazz, he is all looks and no bite...
This is my new Honda VTX 2006 woohoo!!
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