John Denver

His Life and His Legacy

John Denver on stage

Come dance with the West wind

And touch on the mountain tops

Sail o're the canyons and up to the stars

And reach for the heavens

And hope for the future

Of all that we can be

And not what we are.... "The Eagle and the Hawk"

written by John Denver and Mike Taylor
Copyright 1971, Cherry Lane Music Co.

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The following lyrics are John Denver's song, "On The Wings of A Dream." He left us with many messages and as I read these words I think of what Annie (John's former wife) shared with us about John's death. That John Denver truly LIVED his life, and that he died doing something he passionately loved. She said of him, "he would have liked that."

Yesterday I had a dream about dying
About laying to rest and then flying
How the moment at hand
Is the only thing we really own
And I lay in my bed and I wonder
After all has been said and is done for
Why is it thus we are here
And so soon we are gone
John Denver
Is this life just a path
To the place that we all have come from
Does the heart know the way
And if not can it ever be found
In a smile or a tear
Or a prayer or a sigh or a song

And if so then I sing for my father
And in truth you must know I would rather
He were here by my side
We could fly on the wings of a dream
To a place where the spirit could find us
And a joy and surrender would bind us
We are one anyway
Anyway we are more than we seem 

There are those who will lead us
Protect us each step of the way
From beginning to end
For each moment forever each day
Such a gift has been given
It can never be taken away
John Denver Collage
Though the body in passing may leave us
There is one who remains to receive us
There are those in this life 
Who are friends from our heavenly home

So I listen to the voices inside me
For I know they are there just to guide me
And my faith will proclaim it is so
We are never alone

From the life to the light
From the dark of the night to the dawn
He is so in my heart
He is here he could never be gone
Though the singer is silent
There still is the truth of the song

Yesterday I had a dream about dying
About laying to rest and then flying
How the moment at hand
Is the only thing we really own

And I lay in my bed and I wonder
After all has been said and is done for
Why is it thus we are here and so soon we are gone
Why is it thus we are here
And so soon we are gone

I'm not home yet, but I'm getting there.

                               ......John Denver
Thank you John for letting us fly on the wings of your dreams.

You will be missed.


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