Aiffiona's Homepage (Ooers)

            Well finally aiffey has a homepage. Duck for cover. (hehehehe) For those who don't know me, my nickname is AIFFiona (if you didn't guess) My real name is Fiona. How did I get the Aif in front?, long long long story. It now means Always Is Friendly or if I'm in a foul mood it means Always Is Frigid. Which thankfully for many isn't very often. Depends who you talk to?

Baby Photo!!!! 

O.k Not quite a baby photo. I'm the older one, with the very 80's like hairstyle. No my hair isn't much better aprox 16 yrs later. Hey look its not a neck breaker anymore ;)My life?

I was born in Canberra, Australia. When I was 7 my family and I moved to the USA, and lived in Massachusetts for nearley 6 yrs. Then I moved to England. I lived in Chesire (near Burmingham and Manchester) for 1 year and lived in London for nearly 6 monthes. Then I moved to Sydney, Australia.

Yes I am very well travled. hehehe. I have this thing now called the travel bug, a need to travel. I'm now a student at Sydney University and enjoying it. I'm a first year health science student. No I don't do a health science course, but I do one of the health sciences. I prefer not to say. hehehehe. I enjoy the course, but not the assignments.

In my spare time I study (hmm yeah right!), go out with friends, have fun and telnet on a talker called Forest. This is where you are most likley to find me. (smirk) The link is on Forest's Home page



You should really check out these sites :

Bill: George 
Bumblebee: Darick
Iago: Penny ( Net Twin) 
Raiders: Han 
Toothpaste: Stephen

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I would like to thanks those who made this page possible. Thank you Toothpaste, Hades and those forest people who put up with all my questions.