IRC Channel on the IRC.SHENVAL.NET server.

Time for a change?  New to online chats?  Want to chat about birds, meet others who share the same interests?  Ready for a flame free, member ran chat?

Then we have the chat for you!  Stop in for a visit and see what's going on, exchange idea's, teach us something new or learn from us!   We will all have something in common, the love and respect we have for our feathered friends.

So, what is IRC? 

IRC is an internet-based system allowing people all over the world to have live Chats. IRC is based around interconnected servers which the user runs an IRC program to chat with people with similar interests. Each user on an IRC network must have a unique nickname and can join one or more channels. They can also send and receive private messages and even transfer files. IRC is administered by its server operators who give up their time and resources to keep the network running. To use IRC you need to have a IRC program for your computer. You also need to know which network you want to use. You may also have a specific channel in mind. 

The most popular IRC program is mIRC and you can get the 32 bit version  for Windows 95 here.  This version of mIRC is pre-configured to save you from having to add the server information.  Just download the file to your desktop, double click on it to install the program.  Once your done, start the program, enter your personal information and click on the lightening bolt to connect to the server.  It doesn't get much easier than this!


Available for MAC is Ircle. I don't know how useful we can be with technical support but we will be looking towards our new Mac using members for assistance. Ircle 

If you already have a IRC program, connect to the IRC.SHENVAL.NET server and Join #BirdLovers. 

If you have ANY questions or need help getting there, DO NOT HESITATE to Email  Psitacus

Last but not least, please take some time to check out some of the great bird links below, they were kind of enough to put links on their pages.  If you'd like to exchange links with us, drop us a line.

Psitacus' home page. Now on to MY HOME PAGE. Information about dangers to your birds and your responsibility for your birds. Come and meet my Cockatiels, African Grey's and Yellow Front Amazon. Follow along as my birds lay eggs, hatch and I hand feed baby birds.  

Robin's Nest 'Bird' related artwork, lovebirds and a host of other subjects. Robin's artwork is a MUST see! 

Cher-wood Forest Aviary. Species specific information and some really great bird related links. 

Custom Graphics by Psitacus.  All the photos and graphics contained on this page are copyrighted and are NOT FREE GRAPHICS.  The only exception would be linked banners.  If you are interested in custom graphics for your home page, please Email