Barry Austern's Home Page

Barry Austern's Home Page
Hello, I am Barry Austern, retired from being a chemist at the United States Environmental Protection Agency in
Cincinnati, Ohio. My home is in the Cincinnati suburb of Blue Ash.
As an environmental chemist, of course I am interested in the control of hazardous substances, both those which my agency controls and those it does not have the Congressional authority to control.
I have a wife, Susan, a daughter Heather and my hamsters Cheekers and Latte.
I do have to admit that this picture is not one of my hamsters, but, rather, just a generic hamster, although I did think it was a really cute picture. :-)
When I first started my website I had a hamster named Pinky. You can see pictures of Pinky I made with my new "QuickCam" click here
Pinky died in June 1999. Requiescat in pace. She developed total alopecia, something the vet said he had never before seen in a hamster. We replaced her with a long-haired male named Smokey Here are some pictures of him.
I regret to state that Smokey, of blessed memory, passed on in June 2001, after a long and happy life of over two years. After he died we then got a sweet female named Scratchie, who also passed on. Hamsters' lives are too short. After Scratchie died we got Cheekers and Latte, whom I have already mentioned. Cheekers' older brother PJ we also had and loved, but he tragically died at only a few months of age. PJ, Scratchie, and Cheekers have been featured at Pet of the day. Latte has not yet. You can see them at:
Scratchie and
If you wish, you can learn all about hamsters at my list of hamster sites.
I think only a real hamster lover, or someone totally whimsical, would appreciate the Hamster Dance, but if you fit in one of those categories do take a look
If you are still crazy about hamsters, then click here. It's a great hamster tail (oops, I mean tale) about an unnecessary trip to the vet.
As 2000 was a political year, I am sure you are not surprised that there was a hamster running for President. However. take a look at that page, not so much for the politics as for the great pictures and the links to other hamster sites. In 2004 there is another hamster running. BTW, both PJ of blessed memory and Cheekers are grandsons of Yarash Junior, who was the 2000 candidate for vice president.
I am active in the Applesiders of Cincinnati. In fact, I served one year as President of the club (1996) and in 1997 was the "Parliamentarian," a position that the past-President fills. In 1999 and 2000, I once more was the club secretary. Once again I am secretary.
I am a bike rider, and a member of the Cincinnati Cycle Club and I am a member of Mensa. I was chosen to sit on the executive committee of Cincinnati Area Mensa (a board or bored? position.)
I do lots of buying and selling on
. In fact here's my current stuff for sale there.
Most of my hanging used to be on Tristate Online, Cincinnati's own "Freenet" which has been around since January 1990. I guess that is why its local phone number is 579-1990, to make it easy for people to remember--or at least it did back then :-)
However, it too (like beloved hamsters) died in June 1999. RIP
On that system I sysopped many of the Apple areas, sponsored by the Applesiders of Cincinnati.I am also on many other local BBS's, including DataNet, Access!, and Canville Virtual Village.
As you can see by one of my addresses, I am really into puns. I have a link to some good pun sites. Feel free to click on it and enjoy it.