Welcome to Piero's Webhome

Benvenuti nel mio sito Web! Verranno effettuati, di volta in volta, aggiornamenti su Astronomia, Frattali e ... isole lontane!

I plan on updating my personal home page periodically with pictures, happenings, etc.,
relevant to planets, stars, fractals, so be sure to check it out every once in a while.

visitors since Dec.10th 1997

Saturn surroundings Plumes of a volcano on Io (during a Nasa's Galileo probe flyby)
The plume on Io is mostly sulfur 	dioxide and rises 30 to 60 miles

Mandelbrot type fractal

go to  AtomicGlow Fractal
go to  CoolComplexNewton Fractal
go to  Piero's photo gallery
go to  Franca Solenghi's Webgallery

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