Hi everyone! Welcome to my webpage! I'm a 10th Std. (or grade) student in Chennai, India and my aim is to go into medicine or vetinary medicine...
September 11th 1999: I've finally updated! There are some new writings and loads of links. The Chicago Hope page has been updated as well. You'll also find a section dedicated to India. Enjoy! Keep mailing!
May 17th 1999: My Savage Garden Section of this site is up! Check it out! Also coming soon are my Animal Tributes and more Chicago Hope links!
April 23rd 1999: My Shakespeare Webpage is done! Check it out!!!
This page is about anything and everything...there's a section called the BITS & PIECES section which contains little pieces of info tht I recieve...there's also an area which contais my writings so please feel free to browse in there. Till next time!
love, peace and harmony,
Veena (ksriram@md2.vsnl.net.in)
Links to other sites on the Web
Chicago Hope Links
Surveys & Results
Bits & Pieces
My Writings
Don't forget to e-mail me and tell me how I'm doing!
Thanks !
You are the person to visit !
© 1997 ksriram@md2.vsnl.net.in