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Logo for the BRWABlackstone River
Watershed Association

A scenic view of the river

View a map of the Blackstone River's Watershed

If you are a resident of or visitor to the Blackstone Valley and would like to support the restoration and protection of the Valley's natural beauty and charm, we encourage you to join the Blackstone River Watershed Association.

The BRWA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring and enhancing the environmental quality of the waters and adjacent lands of the Blackstone River and its tributaries. The BRWA's objectives are:

BRWA Activities:

Canoe Race

Summer Beautification Program

A program in which the Valley youth are hired to work on various landscaping and other beautification projects along the Blackstone River.

Watershed Ed Program

A secondary school level curriculum consisting of videotapes and printed materials which explain the geography and history of the Blackstone Valley as well as the causes of and potential solutions to water pollution. Available at the Alliance for Education, Grove St. Worcester.

Other activities include organizing community river cleanup days, reporting pollution incidents and wetlands violations, and assisting in the creation of lake and pond associations within the watershed.

The BRWA's major goal for the future is to help create a permanantly protected greenway along the entire length of the Blackstone and its major tributaries. The BRWA will be working to achieve this goal by:

  • contacting the owners of land adjacent to the Blackstone, its tributaries and its historic canal, educating them about the importance of protecting their lands in a natural condition and soliciting donations of land and conservation restrictions;
  • working with local goverments, state agencies, and the Blackstone River and Canal Commission to adopt appropriate policies, guidelines, and regulations governing the use of land within river and canal corridor;
  • expanding its educational and public outreach programs to help generate broad public support for the greenway concept.

News and Information on the BRWA:

Grant; press release from Senator Matt Amorello


Blackstone River Watershed Association
Northbridge Town Hall
Whitinsville, MA 01588

Board of Directors:

President: Margaret Lavallee, Millbury
Vice President: Viola Bramel, Northbridge
Secretary: Peter Coffin, Mendon
Sharron Ampagoomian, Whitinsville
Herbert Andrews, Northbridge
Dr. Richard Church, Millbury
Ruth Emmott, Uxbridge
Vincent Mancini, Cumberland, RI
Phil Neeland, Northbridge
Michael O'Connell, Webster
John Pelczarski, Sutton
Dr. Charles Sweet, Uxbridge

Some of the BRWA's Links:

Parker River Clean Water Association (PRCWA)

For more information, contact Margaret Lavallee at:

Last Updated 12/17/96
Since then we have had visitors.

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