My Eclipse  Reef Tank  

  A quick and easy Reef Tank suitable for beginners
Got a burning desire to explore the ocean's depths but don't want to leave the house?
Bring it home with a reef aquarium.

A reef aquarium is a lot more work than a fresh water aquarium but it's also much more rewarding. To the left you will see a picture of my 29 Gallon tank using a filter and light unit. I started this tank in September of1997 with about $400 worth of parts and livestock. 

Expensive? Maybe. I can spend hours gazing at the tank and always see something new.

Click a Specimen below for a close up and info:  (Scroll to see the whole tank ->)
fulltank.TIF (1109888 bytes)

My Favorite Fluorescent Tubes
The Miller In-Tank Denitrator (A recent addition not seen in this picture)
Water conditioning and additives.
The Filter and how I added another fluorescent tube. (The Eclipse comes with 2 tubes)
AquaMan software for reef keeping - Database, charts and graphs. Most excellent!

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