Welcome to My Webpage!

It is under construction at the moment, but keep
checking in, it should be up soon.

If you are interested in marine animals (marine mammals to be more
specific) here are links to some interesting sites on the web.
Take a look at them, they are very interesting.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!


Links to other sites on the Web:

If you are interested in pursuing a career in marine sciences, then this is the site for you!
If you love marine mammals (especially seals), you should check out this site.
If you are concerened about manatees, here is the perfect link to become involved in their conservation.
This site is for the whale lover.
For 1,000's of pages of information on animals, click here.

If you are big into Comedy Central's TV show "South Park," then click on the picture above.

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Last update: January 3, 1999