For the last 50 years the ozone layer has been attacked by 2 man-made
chemicals hal-ons, used in some fire extinguishers, and chlorofluorocarbons (C.F.C.'s),
used as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners used as agents for making
styrofoam and used in pressurizing aerosol cans... Halons and C.F.C.'s break down in
the upper atmosphere and destroy ozone, letting in dangerous ultraviolet
radiation..... the destruction of ozone speeds up under very cold conditions so
that is a reason we have a hole in the ozone above Antarctica.... We only have
one atmosphere so it is up to us to do something about it..........
An other problem we have is the GREENHOUSE EFFECT...
The three main greenhouse gases; transparent gases that let visible light reach the earth's surface, and thermal barrier that prevents the escape of heat back into space; are, 1.)carbon dioxide, 2.)CFCs, and 3.)methane..... Carbon dioxide is a by-product of burning coal and burning of forest, and the more carbon dioxide in atmosphere, the less escapes back into space......... CFCs destroy ozone in the upper atmospere........Methane produced in coal mines and rice paddies and by cows during digestion.........
The Consequences Of Greenhouse Effect are....... 1.)rising global tempatures -tropics by 2-4 degrees -continents by up to 6 degrees -polar areas by 10-12 degrees -polar ice caps will melt..... 2.)extreme weather changes -periods of drought or flooding -food supply will be threatened by bad weather due to global warming -storms will be more intense..... 3.)sea levels will rise causing flooding in every country with coastline..... 4.)huge tracts of forest could die out.......
Solutions On How To Cut Greenhouse Gases are....... 1.) cut back on burning oc coal, forest, ect..... 2.) switch to cars that get 50 mpg..... 3.) Insulate your homes with high quality insulation..... 4.) tax fossil fuels..... 5.) use other energy alternatives (wind, solar, geothermal, ect.)..... 6.) stop production of CFCs..... 7.) plant forests.....
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