Docks & Sorrels

(Rumex spp)

Welcome to the web site for the prospective UK National Collection of Rumex. Regrettably the collection was not in a suitable condition to be put forward to the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens (NCCPG) for national collection status last year. Although this is the long-term objective, it is unlikely to happen in the near future. There have been further vine weevil problems, and the weather has also taken its toll.

As a site standard, links to sub and parent pages are at the bottom of each page.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page for links to NCCPG information sub-pages.

The site is slowly being populated with photographs of species in-vivo in the rumectorum. For details of the site photographic policy, including requests, please use the link at the bottom of the page.

Please note that this is not an official NCCPG web site - there is an official site, see the link below. Although it contains information of use to those interested in the organisation, it should not be relied upon as it might not be up to date. Please report any mistakes found by e-mail (see bottom of page).

I would like to include links and contact addresses to National Collection authorities outside the UK. Please e-mail if you can supply any details - thanks.

This is the current list of plants cultivated in the rumectorum:

Rumex acetosa ssp acetosa
Rumex acetosa ssp acetosa 'Saucy'
Rumex acetosa ssp ambiguus
Rumex acetosa ssp ambiguus "True French Sorrel"
Rumex acetosa ssp ambiguus 'Blonde De Lyon'
Rumex acetosa ssp ambiguus 'De Belleville'
Rumex acetosa ssp ambiguus 'Nobel'
Rumex acetosa ssp biformis
Rumex acetosa ssp vinealis
Rumex acetosella ssp acetosella
Rumex acetosella ssp pyrenaicus
Rumex alpinus
Rumex altissimus
Rumex angulatus
Rumex aquaticus
Rumex bequaertii
Rumex bryhnii
Rumex bucephalophorus ssp hispanicus
Rumex confertus
Rumex conglomeratus
Rumex crispus ssp crispus
Rumex crispus ssp littoreus
Rumex cristatus
Rumex cyprius
Rumex flexuosus
Rumex hastatulus
Rumex hydrolapathum
Rumex hymenosepalus
Rumex induratus
Rumex japonicus
Rumex lanceolatus
Rumex longifolius
Rumex x lousleyi
Rumex lunaria
Rumex nepalensis
Rumex obtusifolius ssp obtusifolius
Rumex obtusifolius ssp obtusifolius variegated
Rumex obtusifolius ssp sylvestris
Rumex occidentalis
Rumex palustris
Rumex patientia
Rumex patientia ssp tibeticus
Rumex pulcher
Rumex rupestris
Rumex sagittatus
Rumex sanguineus var sanguineus
Rumex sanguineus var viridis
Rumex scutatus
Rumex scutatus 'Silver Shield'
Rumex tianschanicus
Rumex triangulivalvis
Rumex venosus
Rumex verticillatus
Rumex vesicarius
Rumex woodii
Rumex sp "nova, prov SA"
Rumex sp "Chun She"
Rumex sp "decorative foliage, Tien Shan mountains"
Rumex sp "large pink fruits, Morocco"

The following annuals are currently held only as seed until a suitable sowing time:

Rumex dentatus
Rumex dentatus ssp mesopotamicus
Rumex maritimus
Rumex sp "Agadir, Morocco"

Requests for material from scientific and educational establishments will be sympathetically received, but some material is in short supply and some is subject to the Convention on Biological Diversity and cannot be released without the written permission of its supplier.

Material most wanted for the collection:

Rumex acetosa ssp hibernicus - botanical
Rumex acetosa ssp vinealis female form - horticultural
Rumex acetosa 'Profusion' - horticultural
Rumex albescens/giganteus/skottsbergii - botanical
Rumex alpestris - botanical
Rumex frutescens - botanical
Rumex hastatus - botanical
Rumex obtusifolius ssp agrestis - botanical
Rumex obtusifolius ssp scandens - botanical
Rumex obtusifolius ssp transiens - botanical
Rumex x akeroydii - special interest

The privacy of individuals who have contributed to the collection will be respected despite the gratitude I owe them. However here are the names of organisations which have helped, together with links to their web sites.

Thanks to my employers, for e-mail and PC facilities: web site

Thanks to Geocities Inc for lending this web space: web site

Thanks to The South London Botanical Institute

alternatives: web site

Cotswold Garden Flowers: web site

Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh: web site

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: web site

B & T World Seeds: web site

British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Food: web site

Devonian Botanic Garden, University of Alberta: web site

Dungeness RSPB Nature Reserve: web site

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: web site

Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Science: web site

Kirk's Greengrocers and Fruiterers, Gordon Road, High Wycombe, Bucks

La Palma Seed Exchange: web site

NCCPG-on-the-Internet: web site

Oglebay & Associates

Reykjavic Botanic Garden: web site

Royal Horticultural Society: web site

The Seed Guild/Compass seeds: web site

Silverhill Seeds: web site

Universidade de Coimbra: web site

University of Reading: web site

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Site Navigation

Summary of NCCPG collections: sub-page

Other national collection organisations: sub-page

Rumex vernacular names: sub-page

Rumex freaks: sub-page

Rumex humour: sub-page

Site photographic policy: sub-page

Site seed policy: sub-page

Site change control: sub-page

The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens: official web site

The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Group of the NCCPG: official web site
E-mail Nigel

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