Luto por Cousteau

The great poet of the waterworld is gone
and, in the heart of the people, will remain the remembrance of his fantastic views, of his
love for the marine environment and for the humanity, of his
teachings to kids and

Lets take a minute of silence to salute his memory.

A little piece of underwater enchantment to share

Underwater Sunlight

Bocas del Toro, PANAMA

Bocas del Toro Home Coral Reefs Mangroves Family New!


Coral Head
The best light for underwater activities is at noon. The rays drop vertically giving the greatest visibility to scuba divers and snorkellers.

But, if you want to experience the special effects of light on the marine waters, try diving in the late afternoon or very early in the morning.

The rays look like dancing over the coral reefs. Creatures appear and disappear hidding behind the rays.

This underwater sunlight is very special for me. May be it is not so good for uw photography, one of my passions, but, in my spirit, fills a gap between fantasy and reality.

And, Underwater Sunlight is also a beautiful CD of famous group TANGERINE DREAM,
who, through the music, makes me imagine that marvelous world.

This site is being built on the beauty of the coral reefs, on the extraordinary uw world of mangrove forests and in the marine life in general.

I hope, sometime, my body will come back to the waterworld,
as part of the evolution that is looking for the human race roots.
Brain Coral


Jumping dolphin

E-mail me

If you have something in common with this site
If you are interested in my region, in scuba diving or snorkelling,
in share your dreams or interests in marine environments,
please e-mail me to: agdiaz@usa.net

Visits to my underwater home: since August 1997.

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