I am doing a little logging for our neighbor, Ray. He had a large fir tree blow down and the big oak tree by his drive way had to come out. The oak log was so heavy we had to shorten it by 4 feet to be able to lift it on the truck. I milled it into inch and a quarter by 6 inch boards and it is being turned into furniture at Ray's shop. He used the fir to constuct a new bathroom on his house. It looks good, too. NEW NOTE....Our friend and neighbor, Ray passed away this last summer (2003)...He left a big hole in our lives and our neighborhood!
We went fishing last June, 1998 and found this guy hanging out near our fishing hole. Something had bitten him on the head and hurt his eye. He was a little shy but helped us by finishing off the extra bait we had. My mother-in-law Mary took this picture. It was a nice day. 6-14-98
This morning was beautiful. This picture was taken Saturday, the 22 of Nov. 1997. The picture is looking East from our front door.
We were picking up a package at the neighbors the other evening. This is what their Sunset view is like.