Hi...My name is Keagen

I live in California with two humans named Tanner and Nicci.

Here is a picture of Nicci and I hanging out . She has really soft lips which is good because she likes to kiss me. ( and quite often she gets lipstick on my feathers )

Nicci is great,not only does she love me a great deal , she is pretty , beautiful , dishy , dope , hot , a foxy momma , magicly babelishious .

I could go on for days about this vision . I won't subject you to my babbling worship of her . But know this...I am lucky to have her!!!

{short description of image}

Nicci with Tanner.

I really don't know what Nicci sees in the guy but he seems to love her alot (so I'll just nip him once and awhile to let him know who she belongs to.)

New Grey in the house .

Tanner and Nicci brought home a new Grey . Her name is Zaina ( it means beautiful in Arabic ) I think she is real dishy and hope to hook up with her in the future . She is the one on the right in the picture above .

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