Welcome to Visions In The Glass Box, the photogallery where members of the reefkeepers@majordomo.net mailing list may display photos of their tanks and animals. |
If you're one of our Geocities conservationist neighbors, I strongly suggest you read the statement available by following this link. |
If you're a fellow reefkeeper who would like to join our mailing list, follow this link to our official site. |
If you're currently a member and would like to submit some photos for display, click here for our submissions guidelines. |
All of the graphics on this site are copyright of their submittor and are displayed by permission. You may not use graphics from this site for any reason, personal or commercial. Ownership of the graphics on this site belongs to their individual creators. However, the administration of the Reefkeepers mailing list will go to great lengths to prevent the misuse of these files by others, including the use of web spiders to keep track of where these images are published and criminal prosecution if neccessary. You don't want to risk that; after all, that's our lawyer with the sharkskin suit right there. |
This web site maintained by |
Shark and Dolphin meshes are |
courtesy of 3D Cafe |
There have been hits since 6/9/98
This page is a bloated bloodsucking parasite on You too can feed off them.