A webring is a number of sites linked together so that each site in the ring can be visited, one after another. No matter where you start, you will eventually end up where you began.
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Want to join The Amazon Ring?
Graphics copyright 1999 by Amber
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(If the Webring system is down, go here for a list of Amazon Ring sites)
There are only a few requirements you must meet to join:
1.If your page is a business site, it must be amazon related (breeders, toys, cages, food, books, clubs, etc.).
2.Your page must be family friendly.
3.Your page needs to have all links and graphics working.
4.The page should have at least a paragraph and photo of your bird.
2. Once the form is filled out, you will be e-mailed the code fragment to insert into your page, along with your site ID. You will also need to copy the graphics for the ring.
3. After you have the code fragment in place on your page, email the Ring Master and they will activate your site into the ring. To preserve the ring integrity, you must have the code and graphics in place before being activated.
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