Epiphyllum WebRing Home Site

If you are interested in having your Epiphyllum or Cereus webpage linked in this ring please fill out the form below, if you have a problem or a question Email me The table below does work, check out the ring. You can also edit your site information from this site. Click here to read the website guidelines.

Great News! We finally have enough sites to be listed in the Web Ring directory. This should mean more visits to your site!

In an effort to make this ring happen. I will be more than happy to offer ANY help you may need. Just email me if you have any problems, and I will do my best to help you. Thank You.

This Epiphyllum Ring site is owned by
Vicky Scott.

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If you do join the ring there should be two links on your page, One for the previous site in the ring and one for the next .

(For Next) ["http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=jungles;id=Site_id_here;next" target="_top">Next

(For Previous) ["http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=jungles;id=1;prev" target="_top">Prev
Remember to replace [ with <

Or you can cut and paste the table html off the page source in the view drop down menu on your browser.

Don't forget to put the proper html tags infront of the links above.

NOTE: Site Id will be the sites number that is on either side of yours. You get your site ID when you submit your site below.

Submit site to Epiphyllum Ring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You can edit your site information from here!
Site ID No:

possible by The Web Ring

Website Guidelines

  • Only sites related to Epiphyllum and Cereus cactus will be added.
  • Pages containing violent content will not be considered.