The Housatonic Valley Association
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HVA was founded in 1941, as a nonprofit citizens' environmental group.
HVA is dedicated to protecting the Housatonic River and its watershed from the Berkshires
of western Massachusetts to Long Island Sound including part of eastern New York State.
HVA tackles issues of public concern from the protection of public drinking water to the
management of solid and hazardous waste. HVA testifies at public hearings and works with
local groups to promote a balance between community growth and the preservation of the
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Four documents are presently available at this site:
The Housatonic Watershed Fact Sheet describes
the Housatonic River and its valley, A Guide to the Housatonic
River Estuary and PCB Cleanup Options Vary describes methods for
mitigating the PCB contamination of parts of the river. PCB Glossary.
Links to other sites
The Shepaug River Association
The Lower Housatonic River Guide-From
Lake Zoar to Long Island Sound by Terrance Gallagher,
The EPA's Surf Your Watershed
Site Surf! Web Sites for River Activists
the press release from EPA announcing HVA's Environmental Merit Award,
click here to search EPA's Region 1
(New England) site - then enter the word "Housatonic",
Long Island SoundKeeper Fund, Inc.,
an article in
the Hartford Courant about changes to the hydro dams,
A beautiful photo
search YAHOO! for the word "
Housatonic", click it.
River Organizations listed by the International Rivers Network
Here's a link to the
Great Barrington Housatonic Riverwalk,
the Brookfield Riverwalk,
Joe's Connecticut New England Fishing
Page - follow links for great photos of the Housatonic, Naugatuck Rivers, Candlewood Lake
another set of Housatonic area
and here's one to the Housatonic Valley
Tourism Office,
"Let the
remediation begin",
and last and by no means least, a link to a course at a high school
at the eastern edge of the Housatonic watershed.
: This is a sample page thrown together for the Housatonic Valley Assocation (HVA) by T. Mitchell to demonstrate some possibilities. These
materials have not yet been officially approved for web publication by HVA. HVA's actual
web site will be clearer, will have stronger content, better graphics, and all appropriate
permissions in place.
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