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About the Blackbird Ridge Logo


A website devoted to the homesteading lifestyle

These pages were inspired by my recent escape from the concrete jungle to a life living and working in the country. My goals are to be as self-sufficient as possible, living life the way I was raised - growing my own food, canning and preserving, and generally living by the tenets espoused by my Grandmother:

"Use it up, wear it out,
Make it do or do without"

Last Updated: January 1, 2000

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NO geekazoidisms to potentially crash your system.
None of those hateful frames*, either

Just plain old vanilla HTML.
Safe for all computers, no matter how old and slow.

I practice safe surfing, eschewing all such whiz-bangeries intended mainly to show off the wonderfulness of the programmer rather than contributing something of actual value to the website itself.

This site is best viewed in Netscape 4.5 but shouldn't cause problems with earlier versions.  If it does, e-mail me.

*  Ok, ok, frames CAN be useful, but only when used SPARINGLY.

© Copyright 1996-2000. All rights reserved. 

Last Updated: January 1, 2000

These pages are all about small farms, rural living, cottage farming, homesteading, building barns, sheds, a masonry stove, poultry processing, livestock, raising your own food, being self-sufficient, alternative farming practices, organic gardening, composting, aquaculture, and other types of alternative agriculture.  The Unofficial, Totally Unauthorized, but Very Very Enthusiastic Gene Logsdon Fan Club Home Page is part of this site as well.