Skye's Reflections

Welcome to Skye's Reflections

Firstly a bit about myself...

I am a teacher, certified pastry chef, historian, naturalist,
traveller, writer, poet, basketmaker, weaver
artisan and aromatherapist.

I thouroughly enjoy my Gaelic language
and offer my assistance to those desiring to learn. :)

You will find me happiest in my beloved Highlands.

For years, I have been fascinated
with the power and magic of Lavender.
More about lavender and its uses may be found


Taking the study of lavender a little further
with some basics of Aromatherapy and Massage.

Aromatherapy and Massage

Tea, myths and legends and how to prepare the
perfect cuppa.

Special Teas

I have enjoyed writing for many years. My days would not
be complete without a walk into the woods with my
ever loyal 'Shadow', a fine designer dog, being
Austrailian Shepherd and Shetland Sheepdog.

The Seasons

Some pictures that make my days complete.
A fine pic of my pup, 'Shadow' can be found here.

A Few Of My Favourite Things

The Celts, in verse and prose.

Celtic Wisdom

My Listening Pleasures

Fav Tunes

Requests recieved for some of my favourites.

Skye's Book of Cookery

Remembering the many MacDonald's that died
at Glencoe.

The Massacre at Glencoe

A Tribute
In Memory of my Brother
who was taken from this earth
long before his time.

Remembering George

To a very special person.

For You

Some other writings, songs and such.

Miscellaneous Stuff

For we are, each of us, a collection of memories.
Our personalities are the collective result
of everything that has ever happened to us.
Yes, it is at the end of the day that we gaze back upon
the days and years through the looking glass of memory.
And when we are gone, we become part of the memories
and personalities of others.

.......a definite aura.......

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