The Eagle : King Of The Sky

(Updated on: July 31/99)

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King of the sky, this is the best way to define this large, powerful, majestic bird. Because of it's keen vision, strong and big claws, and a perfect musculature that allows it to fly and hunt the way it does, the eagle is considered the most powerful bird in the world. For these reasons, they have been symbols of invincibility, since ancient times to our days.

Although protected by law, some large eagles are killed. In addition, the eagle, like other birds, has been affected by the widespread use of pesticides that, ingested, can weaken eggs, and are lethal for most of them.

Killing other animal for food is not cruel. Eagles have to kill in order to live, and all predators help to keep a balance in nature. Without it, the environment would become overcrowded by other species. Eagles usually kill sick animals, in order to let the strong ones survive. This keeps the other species healthy.

Unfortunately, many ignore this, and they don't seem to care when hundreds of eagles, and other animals, are killed. Therefore hundred of species will never exist again. It's in each of us to revert this situation as soon as possible. We cannot let more animals die, just because of ignorance. Help them survive which is a way to help yourself.

In this picture we can see a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) returning to its nest.

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Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus)
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