Vegetable Liberation Front
Save our green friends from vegans.

The VLF Manifesto

The cruelty against defenseless vegetables and plants must stop!
Support the VLF and fight against the brutal plant-killers of this
world. Let us eat nourishing and healthy meat instead of slaughtering the
oxygen-producing beautiful organisms that lead their lives in silence
and oppression from all animals, including human beings.

Just because they don't speak doesn't mean they don't suffer. Imagine
the pain a potato must feel when you boil it! Or how a tomato screams
in silent agony when you slice it with a sharp knife!

Our ancestors knew this, they hunted down and slayed the giant plant
killing mammoth and ate it's red raw meat with pleasure.

We must join with the other great predators of Earth and eat meat!
Animals should eat animals, not plants. Nobody today speaks of
vegetable rights, but just because we are animals doesn't mean that
we have the right to oppress other lifeforms. Plants don't speak, but
they breathe, procreate, grow and die like us. When you cut down a
tree, it bleeds. Who can say it doesn't suffer when the chainsaw cuts
through it's weins? Who gave a 40 year old man the right to kill a
700 year old oak? This organism saw it's first sunlight when the
black plague was killing the 40 year old's ancestors in Europe in
the 1300's.
We must protect the silent, lifegiving majority of organisms on this

Carnivors, unite! Eating meat is not just a way of
staying healthy! It is a necessity! Our struggle is
being sabotaged by vegans, so we need to eat more
meat than ever to compensate for this. These people
eat more plants than any other group in society!

You can email us at:
If you want to set up a web site supporting our cause, please email us so we can link to you.
We will shortly include more material on this page. Bookmark it and inform your friends about our

Here you can find some of the mail I've already received from vegans and ALF people...

Links To Cool Sites

Some nice pictures of meat: