Fiona's Petting Zoo
running cat
Welcome - thanks for dropping by. I hope you enjoy your stay at the virtual petting zoo. But - to maximise your enjoyment and minimize your risk there are few rules you should learn before you come inside and start some serious petting:
  1. Do not pat the squishy things too hard.
  2. Please pet the evil beastly things with the extendable pat handle.
  3. Please do not laugh at the dumb cats.
  4. Please do not give popcorn to the banana slugs.
  5. Please wear the assigned protective body suit at all times.
  6. If a weasel/rat/ferret/possum becomes entangled in your clothes - just keep still, raise your hand and shout "Fiona!" and I will come and take the naughty pet straight away.


Pick who you want to see first
fold tabby cat sitting on his haunches REALLY DUMB CATS snarling badger NASTY THINGS
banana slug SQUISHY THINGS big green parrot WEIRD THINGS
great white shark EVIL BEASTLY THINGS

Where is the petting zoo?

prairie river It's in Saskatchewan - A really, really weird place. Click on the picture to visit

Who is Fiona?
baboon with touch my bum written under it Comply with the Baboon's request to find out more about me.

animated cat landing on it's feet Try and catch the cat to see the birthday cards I make for family and friends.

running tiger Follow the tiger to visit another virtual Petting Zoo.

waving hand Hey you - over there - come and take a look at my favourite links.
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