Welcome to the Cristobal High School Class of 1979 Web Page.  As we approach our 20th Year, many events and changes have occurred to us since that Thursday Evening, on May 31, 1979 at the Fort Gulick Theater, Panama.

Some of us became Teachers, Parents, 
Football Players, Artists, Club Owners,
Military Members, and we live in Hawaii, Germany, Italy, Puerto Rico, Japan, Florida and at least in one of the other 50 states!

But there is one thing that bring us 
together this July.  That one bond that connects each of us to the other, that which brings smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes.  That is those years spent at Cristobal High School.

But, Cristobal High School is no more. 
Only the lingering memories of school dances, football games, homework, and that "roaring Tiger Spirit" will burn on.

In our 1979 Year Book, the Caribbean,  yearbook editor Leanne Mans wrote:

Through changes…

                    What you can
                    What  you must
                    Break free
                    From oppressing views
                    An open mind
                    A liberal soul
                    To exist as yourself
                    For freedom to Be


CHS CLASS OF 79 | Found Classmates | Lost Classmates | Highlights | Calendar of Events | Links | Class Survey
To contact us:

Lynnette (Leni) Stokes
10511 Ashley Oaks Dr
Riverview, FL  33569
Phone: (813) 672-2298
Email: junglegirl@geocities.com


Elva (Moolchan) Grant

Email:  wegrant@onslowonline.net