South Carolina Association
Environmental Professionals
Who are we ?
South Carolina Association of Environmental Professionals (SCAEP) is a non-profit organization founded (Objectives) in 1992. It consists of members from a variety of disciplines including, earth sciences, engineering, law, management and other environmental related areas.
What do we do ?
The Association meets once each month, usually the THIRD Thursday, from January through October.
Meeting schedules include a brief business section prepared presentation by an expert on a topic related to members interest, followed by a discussion and a social session. This gives a good opportunity for the members to learn new techniques, participate in active discussions and also interact in an informal basis.
SCAEP also organizes periodic field trips in order to learn from the real field situations.
Who can become members ?
Membership is open to everyone who is actively involved in any aspect of environmental work.
Please print the form, attach a check for $25.00 and mail it to Katherine.
2009 Application Form (MS Word Format)
Student Membership (only $10.00)is also available for persons enrolled in a curriculum with an intention of pursuing a career in the environmental field.
Looking for a record of your attendance at a recent SCAEP Meeting?
Here is from last half of 2005
Here is from all of 2006
Here is from February & March 2007
Select Pictures from Recent Field Trip
Field Trip Pictures
Up Coming Events
January 15, 2009 Meeting Notice
February 19, 2009 Meeting Notice
March 19, 2009 Meeting Notice
April 16, 2009 Meeting Notice
May 14, 2009 Lake Murray Meeting
June 18, 2009 Meeting Notice
..... Meeting Notice
SCAEP officers for 2009
President - Ron Herrygers
Vice President - Deborah Langley
Secretary & Treasurer - Katherine Kelly
Past President - Karl Rains
Sriram Madabhushi
Jude Peck, Edens & Avant, Inc.
Charles Clymer, Terracon, Inc.
Thomas Knight, SCDHEC
Interesting links
Environmental Protection Agency
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Interstate Technology Regulatory Council
Carolina Geological Society
Ground Water Professionals of North Carolina
Central Savnnah River Area Geological Society
Association of Engineering Geologists, Carolinas Section
S. C. Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Please contact:
Sriram Madabhushi for questions about this website.
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