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Atalanta Institute

For The Integration Of Humanity

The reasons for the Institute's existence are examined on this page under the following headings:

1. The Present World Situation
2. Its Objectives
3. First Actions
4. Conclusions

(The basis of its existence is trust and respect amongst all those participating in its activities. Atalanta is a charitable institute which has no leaders, masters or gurus. Dr. Tadeusz and Mrs. Elizabeth de Gromoboy Dabrowicki, Dr. Raul Correa Filho, Mr. Alvaro Miguel and Mrs. Lilian Sarkis Restaino are the founders of the Atalanta Institute.)

Rua Zacarias de Goes 1661 - Compo Belo - Sao Paulo - SP - CE04610-005
Tel (011) 542-9011 - Fax 55-11-543-0188

Present World Situation


Demand for Relaxation and Understanding

Chaos and Dramatic Changes

Scientific Sceptism vs Intuitive Knowledge

Healing, Orthodox and Alternative Medication

Electromagnetic Pollution

Economic Structure

Intuitive Realisation


The Centres In The Country To Be Used For:

All the above points to be established on three levels:

Practical procedure:
1st Stage:

First Actions



  • The workshops and lectures, as well as the conferences, should be three or more day events and be advertised as being so arranged as to give the participants relaxations and inspiration, with massage, etc., being available in their spare time. Participants should be encouraged to come a day earlier or stay a day longer to relax and look through the library if they wish.

  • At the same time the centre should be advertised as a self-contained unit for relaxation with alternative healing available if required, away from all noise and stress, in healing surroundings where visitors can have a glimpse of an alternative future. A library, of not only scientific and alternative developments, but also of ancient and traditional approaches, and their synthesis with modern work, in medical, scientific, economic, social and political fields. It should also contain the various predictions for the future offered by scientists, economists and those based on ancient documents and recent mediumistic statements.

  • There should be tapes, sound and video, of lectures and conferences given. In the near future, the teaching and the research aspects should be developed into a form of alternative university. Therefore, some founder members of the institute should have an interest in, and experience of academic work. They should have suitable academic qualifications.
    Would You Like To Participate
    With The Atalanta Institute?

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