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Atalanta Institute: Brazil Learning Healing Center - Atalanta Institute
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Atalanta Institute
For The Integration Of Humanity
The reasons for the Institute's existence are examined on this page under the following headings:
1. The Present World Situation
2. Its Objectives
3. First Actions
4. Conclusions
(The basis of its existence is trust and respect amongst all those participating in its activities. Atalanta is a charitable institute which has no leaders, masters or gurus. Dr. Tadeusz and Mrs. Elizabeth de Gromoboy Dabrowicki, Dr. Raul Correa Filho, Mr. Alvaro Miguel and Mrs. Lilian Sarkis Restaino are the founders of the Atalanta Institute.)
Rua Zacarias de Goes 1661 - Compo Belo - Sao Paulo - SP - CE04610-005
Tel (011) 542-9011 - Fax 55-11-543-0188
Present World Situation
- An increasing number of people are becoming aware of their own power and knowledge, that gurus are a symptom of the past, that governments have become excessively bureaucratic, and that they can no longer wait in some cases for governments to take action.
- A restlessness is developing in most known communities, demanding a new approach to life. The findings of physics, chemistry, psychology, mysticism and religion are coming together into a new synthesis.
Demand for Relaxation and Understanding
- An increasing number of people in medium and high level positions in business, society, industry and even politics feel the need for a rest from the current work in surroundings which offer something different from their usual hotels or beach houses. An increasing number also feel that they would like to know a little more about "spiritual" matters, not necessarily from conventional sources. They feel there is something more than what the various formalised religions offer. This was the case in the 15th century when the reformation developed and a large number of different religious approaches were then created. This time they are searching for a unified new approach. The question "Why do we live?" is becoming increasingly important, and not "How can I live more comfortably?"
Chaos and Dramatic Changes
The possibility of a period of chaos is not only arising in people's minds, but is also discussed as a distinct possibility in scientific, economic, popular and esoteric literature.
The current main source of power is fossil fuel, which is being exhausted. Atomic power is as yet potentially dangerous. The by-products of both are polluting the world to unacceptable levels. Their effects on meteorological conditions are becoming noticeable. Weather patterns are changing.
During 1995 there were on average throughout the world greater extremes in temperature, rain and drought than in recorded history. It is obvious to those who are prepared to face the fact, whether validated or not, that the destruction of the ozone layer, as well as ground pollution will cause in the next few years even greater changes, including the melting of some of the ice cap, thus raising the sea level, and that some disruption of our present mode of life is inevitable.
Scientific Sceptism vs Intuitive Knowledge
Scientific scepticism which demands solid evidence about any new assertion, and how it works, and which rejects intuitive knowledge even if statistically proven, is no longer accepted by an increasing proportion of humanity as the best way to progress.
Healing, Orthodox and Alternative Medication
The side reactions and by-products of many chemicals and medicines are becoming so noticeable that an increasingly large section of the population is turning to alternative medication and healing, as well as to ecologically acceptable products.
Electromagnetic Pollution
Many scientists and others are realising that electromagnetic pollution caused by high tension cables, many machines, radio and TV transmission waves, cellular telephones, etc., is reaching unacceptable levels.
It has recently been shown by university research in several countries that exposure to the sort of EM waves many of us are constantly exposed to causes changes in biological cells and major health problems.
Economic Structure
The large differences in wages between the upper, middle and lower classes of society in the third world are no longer acceptable. They lead to distrust and low, inefficient production, as well as to corruption, burglary and low levels of education.
The present economic structure based purely on profit and multinational companies appears to many no longer to be viable.
The worldwide economic depression is showing no sign of ending. This in itself is causing and will continue to cause more chaos.
Intuitive Realisation
The intuitive realisation many have come to is that we have reached the end of an epoch and that the way ahead lies in a dramatic change of attitude if the world, as we know it, is not to be destroyed. Fears are expressed that meteorological, geological or cosmically caused cataclysms can occur, or that such cataclysms may be caused by over-population, pollution or lack of consideration for our neighbour.
Establishment of centres where the above ideas are discussed and acted upon in the manner outlined below.
The Centres In The Country To Be Used For:
1. Relaxation, meditation and healing by non-invasive techniques. People may wish to stay there for brief, medium or long periods. Some may wish to establish their second or main home there.
2. The holding of conferences, teaching and spreading of knowledge acquired in the centre. In particular its use of natural energy and medication, and most importantly the synergetic form of life practised there whilst researching and progagating synergetic and ecological ideas in political and economic fields.
3. Production of medicines and other chemicals from currently growing plants.
4. Construction of machines and tools for the production of power from natural resources, their storage and information where they are available.
5. Re-establishment of various ancient and tradtional forms of knowledge and wisdom in the light of recently acquired knowledge, particularly in the field of healing of body and soul. Use of meditative and body manipulative, as well as medicinal techniques.
6. Establishment of a library and reference centre for the above.
7. Helping communities near the seat of the Institute Centre and encouraging the human community of the world to greater collaboration.
8. Furthering the learning of a single world language.
9. Encouragement of intuitive work, not in following any particular religion, but in a general perception of energies not yet explicable by orthodox science.
All the above points to be established on three levels:
(i) Research: including national and international meetings, and conferences of those possessing a high knowledge in relevant fields.
(ii) The teaching of this knowledge to those who feel they wish to acquire it.
(iii) The spreading of this knowledge to the surrounding area, and Brazil in particular, but the world in general in a compassionate manner.
Practical procedure:
1. The land has been purchased and has a waterfall, many beautiful views, many sheltered areas, springs, a natural rainforest and plenty of agricultural land, so give us your support if this paradise seems appealing to you.
2. Erection of prefabricated (or not, depending on finance available, cost and speed of erection) buildings to house:
1st Stage:
(a) 50 guests in individual or attached chalets.
(b) Conference centre for 100 participants.
(c) Library with video and sound facilities with individual earphones.
(d) Workshops for tool, etc., production and repair.
(e) Meditation centre (multipurpose).
(f) Body treatment rooms.
(g) Medical surgery.
(h) Small laboratory for medical tests, orthodox and complimentary.
(i) Laboratory for preparation of medicines, herbal, homeopathic, etc.
(j) Four or more family chalets for permanent staff and those intimately involved.
(k) Kitchen and restaurant for guests and residents.
(l) Two lounges for discussion.
(m) A classroom.
3. Establishment of:
- Windmill and watermill for production of electricity.
- Solar panels for production of hot water.
- Solar panels for production of electricity.
- Fresh water well and pump or clean water from mountain brook.
- On site or nearby: chemical laboratories, production units and mechanical laboratories.
Expansion of the centre must be easy.
Some ground to be used for the planting of medicinal plants, and some for the planting of vegetables and fruit for local use. No artificial fertilisers to be used. No pollution by chemicals or sounds and only minimally by electromagnetic waves must be the aim.
First Actions
Workshops and lectures by people who have a deep knowledge of a given field, eg:
1. The probable near future changes which may occur in both the physical and economical states of the world. Such knowledge may have been acquired by scientific or intuitive means.
2. Body and soul healings.
3. Use of alternative forms of energy, such as wind, water and sun.
4. Reasons why herbal, homeopathic, acupressure, etc., types of healing are often preferable to drug and invasive healing.
5. Stress relief.
The lectures should initially be of a type that easily attract large audiences.
1. Production of medication from plants.
2. Production of electrical and heat energy from natural sources.
3. Healing by non-orthodox methods.
4. Production of fuel from plants.
5. Alternative compassionate and intuitive management to achieve higher efficiency.
6. "Doctor-healer" or "Orthodox-unorthodox healing".
7. English Courses - residential complete immersion.
The workshops and lectures, as well as the conferences, should be three or more day events and be advertised as being so arranged as to give the participants relaxations and inspiration, with massage, etc., being available in their spare time. Participants should be encouraged to come a day earlier or stay a day longer to relax and look through the library if they wish.
At the same time the centre should be advertised as a self-contained unit for relaxation with alternative healing available if required, away from all noise and stress, in healing surroundings where visitors can have a glimpse of an alternative future. A library, of not only scientific and alternative developments, but also of ancient and traditional approaches, and their synthesis with modern work, in medical, scientific, economic, social and political fields. It should also contain the various predictions for the future offered by scientists, economists and those based on ancient documents and recent mediumistic statements.
There should be tapes, sound and video, of lectures and conferences given. In the near future, the teaching and the research aspects should be developed into a form of alternative university. Therefore, some founder members of the institute should have an interest in, and experience of academic work. They should have suitable academic qualifications.
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