The Environment and the Future of Mankind!
This is the New Name for Our News Letter, I do not why I did not use it from the beginning, I like it and it fits well. I’m sorry that I got so far off track for so long , I’ve had some problems , I’m back and trying to make up lost time . I have to get back on the Top Secret Earth Power Source project I need to get some money and get a place to finish putting the Earth Power Source model together. Then I need too put together a Power Plant to Generate Electricity with Earth Power Source.
The Environment and the Future of Mankind News Letter is the News Letter for the Super Careful Industrial Revolution and all the things that support it, I have many things that have to be done, and I need many People to help me get them all done. With the Money that an Earth Power Source Power Plant will generate we will be able to Employ many People and do many Good Things. We need donations to get started, when we get many Earth Power Source generation plants making electric, we will become self-supporting. The main good thing to come about from Earth Power Source Generation Plants is stopping the use of nuclear power plants and making Life safer on Earth. In addition, the reduction of air pollution from not using coal or natural gas or oil to run electric generation plants, Earth Power Source Generation Plants are Super Clean and Super Safe!
The Super Careful Industrial Revolution and all the things that support it, is based on the Federalist Rules of Safety, Security, and the Good of Reality. The need for Mankind Ten Thousand Years into the Future Though out the Universe is not going to be a natural act; we have to make it happen. There are no secrets to the Universe, We just need to know what to ask and who to ask, and deserve to know the answer.
We have so many Problems to Solve from the Past, Present, and Future to solve; it seems to me to be an impossible Job to do. We have to start somewhere and starting Earth Power Source Power Plants for electric, and then Trains and Ships and Mass Transit. Just this will stop so much pollution you might not believe it, tons of tons of pollution will not happen any more. In addition, with Top Secret Energy Sources Driving all this Big Stuff we will have all Our People Building, Running, Securing and Mantaining the Energy Products. That is a bunch of People with high paying Jobs, and Jobs with real meaning, with a very different way of living too.
The more Good Things We do the more Money and the more People We have to do even more Good Things. I do not know if it shows but when it comes to writing and stuff, I am not very good at it and so much gets lost because I am not good at writing and stuff. Therefore, I guess one of the first things I need to find is some one to do all the writing and stuff that goes with it, like web sites, paper work etc.
I need to be doing the Energy work, and telling some one what to write for the News Letter and web sites etc.
I’m back and working on the Environment and the Future of Mankind and all the things that support it, and I need a lot of Help with a lot of things, so if you got some extra time or extra money or both and want to help get all this stuff going. I been getting a lot of stuff donated and finding a lot of stuff free for the energy models. Right now, I have a few medical problems and a few things to get bye right now to physically get back to 100 %.
This is just a rough draft, I am going to pass some out to find some one to do this and money to pay some one to do this and also to get place to do it all at. I started a web page the one I had got deleted because I did not up date it. I still have a web address and it is
AWAY@msn.comIn the subject line type in Future of Mankind.
Therefore, I know that it is from the newsletter.
Thank You
Jeffrey A Miller
Therefore, if you can help me with any things send me an e-mail
In addition, if I do not get back to you send it again. I do not have phone # to use for this any more but will get one as soon as I can afford it.