Mike Robling's Home Page 
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Welcome to Mike Robling's Home Page.
This is me in July, 1969.
Things and Stuff on this page:
1. The Waterfront Planning Resource Page: In 1994 and 1995,
I worked in my spare time as as a Volunteer Planning Assisstant
for an Ontario Government Agency called the Waterfront
Regeneration Trust.
One of the things I accomplished during this time was to develop
guidelines for the preparation of Official Plans by waterfront
municipalities. I created a page which summarized this work. This page is now HERE. I'm not sure what use the Waterfront Regeneration Trust ever made of these
guidelines as I left the organization soon after writing them. Send any comments or suggestions
to mrobling@nctvcable.com.
The Waterfront Planning Resource Page includes great links to pages that may interest those who want to know more about waterfronts and waterfront planning.
2. Options for the Port Hope Harbour: This page is nearly finished! Read an
abridged version of my Master's paper written about the redevelopment
of the Port Hope waterfront. Some "anchors" and other links as well as the bibliography still need to be finished. You'll get to see lots of stuff
about the dangers of low-level radioactive waste. Truth or fiction? Comments and suggestions
would be appreciated and can be sent to my e-mail address:
3. The Endangered Road Rhino: Find out all about the
endangered Road Rhino. Photos, exciting links and more!!! This is "The Jeep Grand Wagoneer Page" on the Web!
4. My Résumé: This sums up all of the intimate details about my
life. Hey! Why not offer me a job? Note that, for security reasons, my address and phone numbers are not to be found on my résumé. If you wish to contact me, please send e-mail to mrobling@nctvcable.com.
5. The Oscar Wilde Gallery:
This is one of the best Oscar Wilde sites on the Web (if I do say so myself). Here you'll find some great photos of Oscar Wilde coupled with some of my favourite quotations. Many really good links are included too.
6. The "Spunky" Page:
This page is currently out of service. I have come to feel that I do not have the time to maintain this page in such a way as to make it a useful resourse. I may, however, revamp this page in the future and bring it back online. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please address your concerns to mrobling@nctvcable.com.
7. Mike's Wales Page: I was born in the town of Church Village in south
Wales (U.K.). There's very little on this page right now - but I soon
hope to have much more interesting stuff on Wales, both personal
and educational. Stay tuned!

8. The Twin Pepsi Chronicles: I have recently obtained exclusive rights to publish Arsenio de Frontenac's infamous franglais vignettes The Twin Pepsi Chronicles. The first in a series, Twin Pepsi, will be coming soon, along with photos and a brief history of the author. These classic franglais satires should not be missed.
Friends and Family on the Web:
Visit my Brother-in-Law Vince Ruttan.
Visit my cousin David Robling.
My friend Rob Waarbroek has a home in the Geocities South Beach Marina.
Visit my buddy William "Buff" Denton. He provides great info on Frank Sinatra, hardboiled detective fiction, and much more.
Visit Chris "Psycho" Turner at his Queen's University Web site. This site slays me!
Sign my Guestbook.
View my Guestbook.
You can e-mail me at
Please come back soon!