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Music will enhance your web visits--get Crescendo!
On the world wide web you will find a variety of pages...funny, serious, educational, musical...you know a little of this, a little of that.
Below I have some links, information and pics that I find either fun, informative or just plain silly! You will find no particular theme on this page.
My mischievous cat disappeared somewhere in our house several days ago...
One of my many passions is flowers, both from the garden and those found on pleasant walks in the country. An abundant number are very easy to dry and preserve. They can then be decoratively arranged on a wreath or perhaps made into a simple Potpourri using dried rose petals and other pleasant-scented flowers.
I have compiled a list, referenced with scanned pictures, of Common Flowers to grow, enjoy and dry. I have had great personal success with these varieties.
Once you have gathered the flowers there are methods to drying them. Drying can be done in several economical ways.
Thank you Mommies On the Web Network for the site award.
Have a general gardening question? For instance: Why won't my flowering shrub ever blossom? (two examples: lilacs, hydrangea) I found this site on the web that can give you the answer....click here

123Greetings Electronic Greeting Cards
This site offers beautiful cards with flowers and other themes.

Below are a few of my favorite midis. If you need one of the best midi players on the net, AutoMID, you can find it at 32-bit.com. AutoMID is a shareware program and if you decide to keep it they ask for a $20 donation. Well worth it.
My Mother's homeland...G'Day, Dinky Di, Waltzing Matilda, Vegemite, Ayers Rock, meat pies, Lyre bird, Billibong, Platypus, Swagman, Aborigines, Koala Bear, Dingo, the Union Jack...am I getting you to smile MOM!!!
Helena and family.
Brian, you wanted your picture on the web...here you go!
WOW !!! What a great looking kid!!!
Woowoowoowoo (21K)
Meowwwww You all come back now ya hear.

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~~This page made its web debut on May 4, 1997~~
***Latest Revision June 1, 1999***
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