Songs for Environmental Education

Environmental songs! Environmental music! Nature songs! Earth songs!

This page is dedicated to exploring the use of music and song in environmental education... and offering valuable links to related sites.

We are a growing group of environmental educators, musicians and other interested folks based in various locations around North America.

Join us! Help us out!

With your input we are compiling at this site:

Songs for EE Mailing List



We have set up a mailing list (listserv) on this topic. Activity is building, so please sign up by sending an e-mail to Songs-for-EE-subscribe(at)

Songs for EE Blog with highlights from the listserv

Songs for EE Archives and Introductions 

Articles, Papers and Lesson Ideas








Please note: These articles are drawn from a number of sources, for educational use only. Please contact the original author for any commercial use. Thanks.

The Role of Music in Environmental Education: Lessons from the Cod Fishery Crisis and the Dust Bowl Days (PDF download) by Doug Ramsay, U. of Brandon, from Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

Tapping into Music to Encourage Environmental Literacy

Peter Lenton

Using Familiar Tune to Teach Natural Science

Evie Boss of Bossetunes

ECO-Music in Australia including a "market survey"

S.R. Manson & Associates

Earthsinging In Your Own Backyard Orleans, Dave

Earthsinging: The Use Of Music In Environmental Education Orleans, Dave
Music In Environmental Education Janke, Delmar.
Writing Songs With Children Garrison, Lisa
Children And Songwriting Hunter, Tom
Singing The Energy Blues Maute, Joan
A Folk Song Could Save The World Starner, Fred
Environmental Songwriting Ideas for Kids
Music And The Environment Hoem, Jean C.

Other Related Sites










Performers our growing list of folks specializing in enviro-music

Music for Environmental Education from California's Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education

Earth Songs Harold Wood's links 'n list

Archive of responses to a listserv inquiry on environmental songs

Nancy Schimmels Resource List

Dr. Chordate's Music and Song in Science including a rationale for music in science education and a resource list.

Webdirectory Environmental Music Links


Please link us to your site!

E-mail us with your ideas , comments, and information:

Remy Rodden, Environmental Educator, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

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